Hey there, everybody. Some of you may know me as the guy who makes the useless giant Forge Helmets in Foundry. I've put together a poll to help me decide the next helmet/helmets that I'll be making on Foundry. That's where your vote comes in. Instead of making the Helmets that I'd like to see, I'd rather like to make Helmets that the community wants. Here's the Thread on Bungie.net. Thanks if you voted, -xkevlar PS. Comments would help me to get more votes.
Do the grunt helmet, plsthx! Bonus points if you can make it playable and have a working interior. ^_^
id like to see the odst or security made. the only reason why is because it would look like a cahllenge because of there visors
Lol, grunt ftw! I say you should do it too, just for fun. After the elites maybe, For now, I like rogue, and for elites I like flight, for future reference.