Project Z

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Tex, Jul 27, 2008.

  1. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Why, thank you kind sir. "best forge map" "10/10" "masterpiece" "The"...No comments could be any better. <3

    And I am proud good sir.

    See, below for explanation behind the cones. As for "the feeling of larger then it is," lies. It is larger then it is.......wait......


    Glad you liked it, tell your friends ;D

    <3 again.

    If you thought slayer was good, you should try CTF ;D

    Thanks, though, you kind of need to add a bit of reasoning to your posts, or I may be forced to infract you...consider this a warning.

    "Like all the project maps, Z has a real atmosphere to it, and you feel very dwarfed by the main structure" - Dwarfed...lulz...That's relatively what we are going for.

    "I'm glad you only put ways up on top at either end though, it really gives the top of the wall to both teams instead of just turning it into a haven for the defenders" - It was planned out that way in the beginning, though, towards the middle of the project, we thought about implementing more ways up. We ended up with just the ones at each base, and the on in the middle. I think it worked for the best.

    "Then I saw the sentinel beam..." - Awww, c'mon...It's our first map with it, and it doesn't abuse itself. It actually plays quite well. You know what is surprising is the fact that it literally is 1 second away from the rocket, if there were nothing in the path. Though, with the way we have it set up, if you were to get one, then go for the other, it would take you a long time, with a lot of possibilities of being attacked.

    You've done it again Peg, posted something that just defies the laws of logic. Do it again, n I'll have to infract you for being too awesome. =P
    jaykay, I wouldn't abuse mah powas

    "That's" "quoted" "wrong" "recommend" "that's"


    Thanks for all the feedback everyone.
  2. Sworn Shadow

    Sworn Shadow Ancient
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    Awesome map from the looks its great and from what my friend told me the gameplay is even better
  3. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    Well Tex I must say that this is a great map every well done. After some four player lan action I enjoyed the map. I am sure it is even more fun with more people, I enjoyed all of the ABC Crews maps as they all play great. So keep up the good work.
  4. many popes

    many popes Ancient
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    Your interlocking and style is supreme, those tall structures look so futuristic. It makes me think of a huge city from the future lol.
  5. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Why, thank you, kind sir. Who was said friend, if you don't mind me asking?

    You played it through lan? lololol, I haven't done that in ages, I really should gather the guys up, just to do some halo 3 lan...That'd be fun...Thanks for the comment though.

    A huge city from the future. That would have been a better title then "Project Z."




  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I think you know that you must now change the map's name Tex, it would seal this maps fame and, tbh, it is the most awesome name for a map I have ever heard.

    I can kinda see what he means though, the larger star structure does have a real futuristic skyscraper look to it. I have to say that I really wished you could go up it inside when I saw it, but dreams are dreams I guess..
  7. prepare4legend

    prepare4legend Ancient
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    wow that looks great and huge! wud be really fun for ctf ill download it, oh but some interlocking cud do some straighting 4/5
  8. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Lawl, if you could go inside the structure, that would just be too good...I don't even know if I'd release it to the public, lawl...(Okay, I would...)

    What interlocking could use some straightening? BTW, Gameplay > Aesthetics...Even though we try to reach a good median for the both of them.
  9. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Haha! Yay, I get 2 <3's from Tex. =D lulz.

    Well, to be on-topic here... Yeah, I got to play this map in my TGIF #13 with Ivory Snake (plus others). I think the best part about the game play was me killing someone with a dumpster while scoring the flag. (Grav lift + Dumpster = epic win) But yeah, 1-Flag is the bomb here (no pun intended). You need good team work to score, and good team work to defend. I think that's what I liked most about it. You actually have to use team work to do good...well... IMO anyways. =)
  10. sgt.pepper

    sgt.pepper Ancient
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    looks really cool and nicely merged and geomerged i cant wait to dl it and play it with my friends im q'd rite now
  11. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Map Name: Project Z
    Author(s): Tex & Shad0w Viper
    Reviewed by: The Yellow

    Enjoyment: 9/10

    Ok, I'm sure by now everyone who is reading this is familiar with the ABC crew, if not, well then shoot yourself in the foot. Project Z, the map this review is about, maybe the best Project release yet. For the first time ever, Tex and Shad0w Viper have created an asymetric map. Frankly with how it turned out, I'd like them to continue doing so. It was so fun. Last night E93, Pegasi, Gunslinger and a few others, and myself, played Project Z. We played a few games of Slayer and ABC Flag, (Bomb didn't work, but as Tex said, it's k). We all enjoyed this. There was always something happening. It was a great assortment of blasting, hopping, doging and ducking. Just overall fun. The geometry made things seem different, not just plain old Foundry.

    Balance: 9.5/10

    Balance is a thing many map creators fail to think about when constructing their maps. Often times one area becomes a mosh pit and one player can easily control the map. But with Project Z, dun wry guys, it goin b k. I don't know how they did it, but this map, wow, almost perfectly balanced. Maybe it is the great layout of weapons, each has it advatnages and disadvantages all over the map, keeping things go'in and flow'in. Maybe it is the perfect combination of cover and jumps. All these factors were obviously painstakingly thought out, tested, and re-tested. My only complaint abou balance was that at times players on top of the center wall seemed a bit too powerful, with rockets they could rain down hell. But only for a short time before Tex is like "bish get down here". But all in all, terrifiengly well balanced map.

    Durability: 9.5/10

    Now, I know what most of you are thinking. 9.5/10??? Well, I actually managed to find a way out of this map. I saved the video as well if proof is later needed. Now, I'd say that for most people you wouldn't be able to get out. I know though that if someone figured out how to it's likely it could be done in game, but really, it serves practically no purpose. That is the only reason this didn't score a perfect 10, but overall, this map was blocked off well and the blocking looks good too.

    Aesthetics: 9/10

    This map looks so clean, so well merged, and I didn't see any of that annoying little "flicker" from interlocking. The entire map looked as one, all the structures looked liked they belonged and were all part of a whole. I was also in love with that double box merged way at the back near the covered doors, great job on that. Probably the only thing about it is that there isn't anything so radically different that you stop in game and ponder and drool over it. There just didn't seem to be anything like a signature piece such as the octagonal hall in Reflex that everyone all knows. But when it comes down to it, when a map plays this well, it doesn't really matter that much about aesthetics.

    Originality: 8.5/10

    Yes yes, making maps fashioned after letters in te English alphabet is a rather clever idea. The map did indeed have some use of geometry I have never seen before. Especially the nice use of Foundry's back area. The map did have those little "star" boxes such as in Kentucky Tango. They did look good, but weren't completely original, even though a new touch with bridges was added. And building a map centered around a form of a dividing wall, well, it's been a good number of times. But hey, I mean come on, it is still a big Z so there's not much more someone can want.

    Overall: 9.5/10

    All in all this is a map that I'm certain no sane person would want to miss out on. Excellent gameplay... A weapons layout that is perfectly balanced and fun to utilize. Numerous jumps that can provide some amazing kills or saves. The spawns were as close to great as one can achieve with a map on Foundry. And the fun that one will have while playing on this magnificent playground of destruction... well... you'll just have to find out for yourself. I can't really put it all in words
  12. Spark

    Spark Ancient
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    Awsome map! very neat interlocking and geomerging 5/5 im downloading right away!
  13. Mental

    Mental Ancient
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    This looks like a fairly clean map with enough open space to keep it interesting. I also really like the look of the large pillars, they give it a unique look.
  14. DeadeyeForge

    DeadeyeForge Ancient
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    I like the star shaped towers with the bridges morphed into the middle. That adds some great looks to the map. All of the ABC crew maps are great. I think this has a great chance of being featured. D/L'ed. I want to try 1 - flag on this. 5/5.
  15. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
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    This looks like an amazing map, but youve definatly done better. Its just the overall feel of the map that i dont like. This isnt my favourite out of your maps. Still better than the average maps here on forgehub. By a long shot. I give it a 4/5. Still great work abcrew/Tex, and any one else i forgot. Give your self a pat on the back. Your the kinda people who make me keep playin halo 3. Stay Sweet man. Dont ever change!
  16. zeusthegoose365

    zeusthegoose365 Ancient
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    This map is very nice i downloaded mostly all of your "projects" and they turned out really nice, cant wait for for project Q or something
  17. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I heard about that ****ing gravlift kill, please tell me you have that on video. I would love to include that in a movie. The gameplay was probably my favorite part about this map, as most of our maps we didn't excessively test to get great gameplay out of. This time, we took that extra bit of effort to do just that.

    Ya, everything is merged into the ground (almost everything anyways...). I'm curious how it went, though I'm sure it went well.


    I saw that video. The most ridiculous map breakage of all time. Not something I care to go back on, and I'm sure it isn't a particular care to gamers to actually go and do during gameplay. Thanks for such a great review though. It is much appreciated.

    ^On the verge of spam.

    Ya, I suppose that is probably the best aesthetic feature of the map, the large pillars. Or so says quite a few people...The double wall over by the receiver node cocked into the ground is my personal favorite aesthetic, as it took Shad0w ages to get perfect.

    Thanks for the comment. You say you want to try 1 - flag on this, well just know that even though it is an asymmetrical map, that both 1-flag & multi-flag play great.

    Sooooo...What besides the overall feel don't you like, and what about the overall feel don't you like? Your post is basically the same thing over n over, but I would appreciate some more constructive criticism please...

    Project I is nearing ;D

    (The above is to everyone.)
  18. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    Nice job with this one Tex, pretty clean interlocking, with some nice aesthenic touches. I played it w/ the review hub, though I had to leave early. It kind of feels like two differant maps if you can understand that. What I mean is how half of the map, is a tall structure, with multiple getaways, which causes come crazy kills. There other half has that cool curved structure with someways to get through, and then theres another platform in the back made of walls. You probably meant it to play like that, but I was kind of just expanding on what Oddworld said. Anyway, the maps amazing, You deserve what the review hub gave you. Congrats.
  19. Jsten419

    Jsten419 Ancient
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    Wow, I saw this and was blown away. I have seen more foundry maps then I care to have, but **** if that isn't the prettiest map I've ever seen on Foundry. You sirs, are awesome. And I would kindly give you my finest calf.
  20. Elite Ruler

    Elite Ruler Ancient
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    Wow looks like a really good map. I am going to have to download it asap. Love the merging and the map looks like it flows very well. The only other thing i would like to see is a weapon list but besides that it looks like a really good map. 5/5 man keep up the good work.

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