Hi there i was watching this video on youtube of someone "ghost jumping" and decided to try it out but can't seem to do it i was just wondering if anyone could do it i'll put the video in at the bottom, it could really help the HLG if we work out how to do it here's a link to the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cfblNI8p3k ^_^
looks cool, but i notice on all of his jumps, there is a really small ledge at the same height that he jumps so maybe that has something to do with it. but im going to try it out and ill get back to you
Thank you it says in the video that if there is a crack (Connection between two or more objects) that there is a very small invisable barrier and thats what you use to jump but i can't seem to do so.
I have like a 10% Ghost Jump completion rate on the two ghost jumps down near the yellow lift on Guardian. The little slots next to the lift, you can GJ from bottom to top using those.
I can do it about 25% of the time. Or well I could, up until I kinda stopped practicing. There is always a "corner" though. This doesn't mean an actual visible corner, or one the you have an chance in standing on, but there should be a change in the object, whether it's a drawn on line, or a slight corner. You must approach is front on, and jump into it with your body. The idea isn't to actually land your feet on it, but you almost want your gun to go where the "ghost edge" is. Right, before you hit the wall, crouch and press A again, and you should jump of what is seemingly nothing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFKCSccgxEM Those guys are really good, try their jumps out. I can do a few of them, and they are really cool.
I can do ghost jump pretty well. I'm in bouncefx's new halo 3 jump clan jumpfx so i know most of halo 3's jumps and spots to jump off of that aren't there. Add me my GT is Scopulus. I can help you.
Those jumps are amazing! I have seen people do them but always wondered how. I think now I have a better understanding, thanks.
When I clicked the thread, I first thought it was going to be a Ghost (vehicle, not the one with sheets over his head) jumping. lol, was I wrong. I have never tried this, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work if he didn't have that little spot where he could ''re-jump''. Maybe that's why you're not getting it. Are you trying to do it without a place where you can jump again?
Wow, that vid chrst posted was amazing. Halo ninjas XD As for this ghost jump, I tried it, and I don't get it. I guess you have to hit that sweet spot, but I wouldn't know how.
There are alot of these kind of videos on youtube showing you how to do these kind of jumps but, would it really be nessasary to use in eg: Team Doubles, as its extremely fast. I'm not sure you'd have the time, unless you got 'Uber' good at it.
Lol! Doubles is the perfect place for some of these jumps. Lots of take you to wicked hiding spots, or sniping spots. As you can see these guys don't miss. I've looked up their service records before, and they are decent. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRO5qWUDbpE Thats the second one. Less ghost jumps but more sweet little places. Guardian has like 12 spots eh? Anyway good luck TC.
I just tried it though theres a spot on Guardian that I want to know how to do that with also, if anyone wants to do some hiding spots with me no, just add my accounts I'm already in a match Steeveness
the jump your talking about is not a ghost jump you don't need to crouch and uncrouch in that jump you just hit A when you touch the curved ledge.
Put it in a link Anyway the jumps look really cool. BTW Maybe the host is the issue. There's this mancannon trick on narrows that gets you to the platform without jumping up, and you need to be host to do it. Hope that helps.