Overall, I have to pick digitalph33r, i find he jokes funnyer... infact i cry at some of them. But I do give credit to rooster teeth for being in the business for so longer.
Digitalph33r has better scripts, a bit more seriousness to the action with plenty of comedy to fill in the dull parts. Rooster Teeth, have better quality productions, better voice acting, not the same two or three people doing all the voices and longer series. Both have their good points both have their draw backs. I reckon the awesomeness would come when both work together to write the script for the Halo movie so that it FINALLY gets made.
Rooster Teeth. Digital Pheer's writing is just...above average. Nothing spectacular but he is better than most.
RoosterTeeth. Ph33r's only success is with MC sucks at Halo and the Arby n the Chief series. Deus Ex Machina is either intentionally bad in the spirit of satire, or it sucks. RT has a better community, better videos, better writing, and isn't voice acted by the same guy modifying his voice. I think it all comes down to which style of comedy you prefer. DigitalPh33r's style is shits and giggles. Rooster Teeth's style is farts and lols.
Rooster Teeth. They have memoriable characters and scenarios like when tex was beating down somebody with their own skull "This isn't physically possible!"
Rooster Teeth, definitely. If you noticed Digital Ph33rs blog states that he is running out of creativity... How long before Rooster Teeth ran out of creativity? Hell, they haven't even yet, especially with the new Reconstruction. Also DigitalPh33rs jokes are a bit more immature than Rooster Teeth's. He just adds bad language to make it sound more mature. For example you hear that same kind of language from the 10 year olds on Halo... What does that say? Rooster Teeth also doesn't just do Halo Machinima's, they do something for many other games. None were as succesful as Red Vs. Blue of course, but they have others. ~Randle $candal
Digital, even though Rooster Teeth's stuff is better written and all a lot of times I find it kind of boring. Digitalph33r's stuff while sometimes poorly written is always entertaining.
i like digital ph33r. i never really got into the rooster teeth one's. ive seen a few from a long time ago and there funny. but these new ones arnt that great to me.
im going with Rooster teeth for comedy and voices but Digitalph33r has far better action and deus ex machina rules
Roosterteeth. They are better because they are affiliated with Bungie. They can make funny shows without severe overuse of bad language. They can do comedy(RVB) and Serious (RvB: Recovery One). They also have more voices and more ideas. Ph33r is just inspired by them and is trying to be more like them.
if you had listened to DigitalPh33rs commentary on AnTC he says that he doesn't use that immature language because he is trying to be cool it's because he just doesn't care. They're just words. Just listen to the commentaries to listen to the entire thing. Also, I generally prefer DigitalPh33r but Rooster Teeth and their ideas are awesome. Just thinking about one of Caboose's line makes me lol. But the idea of using synthetic voices for a machinima is a really good idea, especially the fact the MC's synthetic voice uses 1337 speak.
I have to say i prefer digital pheer overall he puts in more effort it is one man writing up all these stories while RT has a company workin on them. DP hahs something about his storylines that i just finded funnier.
Yeah, whoever said deus sucks oviously doesn;t know anything about machinimas. It's the only one that has actually kept me interested in it the whole time. It's not only interesting, but it's not a movie remake where people try to sound serious, but they fail. Like the 300 halo remake, oh god that was terrible. All in all though i feel rooster teeth is more professional and has more people to do more things, digital is just 1 guy with a camera and a capture card, he can't do as muh as rooster teeth. I'm ganna go with rooster teeth, for the sole reason of reconstruction, ir's ****ing hilarious.
I would pick RoosterTeeth because they can do both funny and serious machinima, and I love Red vs Blue.
Digitalph33r's Machinimas are kinda lame in my opinion. It's mostly doll-playing than Machinima. And since he doesn't want any help with voice acting, he has to use the Microsoft voices, which are getting old. Maybe it's just me, I'm not really seeing why people think his videos are good. Don't get me wrong, I loved the Master Chief sucks at Halo, one, but overall, I'd pick RoosterTeeth over Digitalph33r any day.