most of you prolly dont remeber hangtown V1 but it was my first map on forge hub. several maps later i diecieded to post a hangotown V2 up to 6 players theres manny things on the map but imo the best discirption is pictures so here ya are start the bankturn the jump then small bankturn ramp onto the top part of the track the begaining and the jump to basicly the end of the track. the landing ramp and basicly the end download: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing no gametype at this time
Hmmm, this is a fairly good racing map. you have a bunch of good turns and ramps. I especially like the ramp in air that goes onto the other ramp.
nice map!!! love the interlocking and floating. i love the thing what masterjelly said too. keep up the good work!
Watchtower Bases I really like the curved watchtower base ramp. Haven't seen that before. I like how it arches up as it curves. What did you use as a guide?
wow good job on the map and nice interlocking also have you ever considered posting this on halo tracks you may just be in bungie favs!
looks pretty good, im assuming v1 didnt have much interlocking, and ran crooked. i think its weell forged, and looks really difficult. good job bro, glad you made a v2