Well this issue has been mentioned and never answered. For the past week I have grown increasingly frustrated by this. I will merge an immovable object with another one then save and come back and it is crooked. I have tried so many different methods and for some reason this only happens on Foundry. I have tried playing on local and even unplugging my router. Nothing works. I am tempted to grab my xbox and merge it with my wall... forcefully. If anyone knows how to fix this please help me before I kill someone
Waylander I would appreciate if you read my whole post before actually posting. I have forged on local and I have completely surrounded the boxes before making sure they are perfectly straight
Didn't see that part before sorry. This looks to be your only solution. Check to make sure the items you're using to line it up are actually lined up. sometimes they can be off by a little bit and that throws it off. Also different items have different true dimensions. Like the A and B signs are actually shaped like a triangle and don't sit flat like a fence wall when on their side. Open boxes are slightly shorter than closed and Single boxes are slightly wider than doubles. Makes it so that they might be lined up on one or two sides but the others will be off by just a bit.
In this case I am using double walls and double boxes. I tried merging the box about half-way into the other box and that didnt help then I tried just near the edge and that didnt help. I brace all but one side of the box so the box can only move in one direction so the merge is perfect.
Are you using the double walls to line the boxes up for merge or the other way around? Try using Fence boxes if you have them available. They work great.
I find that my boxes always lift themselves off the ground slight after I merge them. It's really annoying, but the only thing I've found that works is after I have my merged boxes, I straighten them both again separately. Sometimes, I think there is nothing you can do.
I have used walls, bridges, fence boxes, double boxes, single boxes, and strairs and the result is the same. @ chrst- I have remerged this so many times and found nothing is working
Are your boxes on their side perhaps? If so, you're screwed. Boxes always tilt when laying on their side.
Now that is helpful. The boxes are on their sides but that still doesnt explain why double walls wont stay merged properly
Mock, merging and interlocking are considered the same thing in some cases. So in this case I am interlocking but it can be called merging
Dunno what your problem is, then. Your best bet's to just move on to something else and deal with your wall being a tiny bit crooked. If it bothers you that much you can just go back and try and fix it later, and maybe it'll work then.