please comment, and rate! "Wasted away AGAIN in Margaritaville" Co-Forged by: Iced Frappuccino & JoeCool58 Directory Hello, there again my fellow forgers. You may ask, "Why a version two? You didn't get any bad reviews on the first one!?!?" Well, there are a few things that needed to be addressed and touched up a bit. Don't worry, I didn't make the map worse I made it 20X better! Here are the changes about the map that I made: •Rocket Launcher swapped out for FUEL ROD •All BR's swapped out for Carbines (Don't worry, there are still 2 BR's on this map. One on A-Side and One on B-Side) •It is now completely and utterly impossible to get out of the map! You can try, but you will FAIL! •Added 3 more SMG's •Deleted all movable items (forklifts, pallets, barrels, etc.) The scenery type stuff. •Made the crates immovable! •Moved the A-Sign forward so, it can now be used as cover! •Added 2 Dumpsters to A-Side and B-Side for added fun! Here are some GAMETYPE changes that I made: •Added spawns for TEAM DOUBLES -2v2 Team Slayer -2v2 Multi Flag -2v2 Territories •Moved a couple of spawns around to tighten up some bugs about spawns This is an asymetrical FFA and Team Doubles map that features Interlocking, Geo-Merging and floating of all sorts! It supports 2-6 players and the following gametypes: SLAYER, JUGGERNAUT, ODDBALL, Crazy King, and TEAM DOUBLES (2v2 Slayer, 2v2 Multi Flag, and 2v2 Territories). Pics will show off more of the map. Weapon Layout 2x BR- 45 Sec - 1 Clip 3x Carbine- 45 Sec - 1 Clip 5x SMG- 30 Sec - 2 Clip 3x AR- 30 Sec - 2 Clip 1x ENERGY SWORD- 90 Sec 1x FUEL ROD- 120 Sec - 1 Clip 4x FRAG- 10 Sec 6x PLASMA- 10 Sec SOME V2 PICS The New Fuel Rod Cannon! Immovable Crates! 2 Dumpsters on A-Side The New Floating CARBINES! This bad boy is boarded up and un-escapable! Some V2 Action Shots 2v2 Defenders Spawn 2v2 Attackers Spawn The new fuel rod cannon in action! Double Flag Beatdown! Some V1 Pics (For the people who didn't see V1) Top Mid Another View of Top Mid Bottom Mid *Note Sword Spawn* Other Side of Bottom Mid *NOTE THE FLOATING BR IS NOW A FLOATING CARBINE!* View the V1 thread for the V1 overviews and other pics So, guessing that you guys have read the whole map thread, you now that this is no longer a JUST FFA map. It is also for 2v2 gametypes. They are actually quite fun. My favorite is Multi Flag because the matches go quick and fun! The best FFA gametype to play, has to be, Crazy King. That is loads of fun on this map. The spawns in this map are now near perfect. Out of all the times I have played this map, I rarely spawn near an enemy. If you liked v1, then you will LOVE v2 a lot better. I didn't get one negative review on v1. So, I hope I don't get one this time around! Download Margaritaville2
DLed looks really fun 4.5/5 because it looks like it could use more cover from the pics but idk. But other than that Ill see you in Margaritaville
I saw the first version. I think your geometry is very pretty and shows good technique. The only thing I don't get is the name. Why do you call it Margaritaville? I know the song, but I don't get it as a map name.
Why not call the map, Margaritaville? It's a great song, that goes along with a great map I think it is better than some of the dumb names I see 'round here
Looks pretty cool, i never saw V1 but i like the interlocking, i cant see anything wrong with it, and your wall looks pretty with all of its colors
i think you might want to reconsider the fuel rod idea. you might want to make it a rocket launcher or something. the fuel rod cannon is to strong thats why it isnt in matchmaking.
i thought that this was going to be a water park but it does look like a nice 2 VS 2 map it would probably be good for the 2 on 2 Event
I wouldn't say the fuel rod is more powerful - it just has more rounds per clip. The rocket launcher is more powerful just you have to be good with it or it takes a long time to reload.
this is much better then V1. I love the immovable crates and the interlocking the powerups. also the gameplay seems GREAT!!!!! 5/5
We figured out that the fuel rod takes two shots to kill someone (with full shields). There are five shots per round and we only gave it one extra clip so that's ten shots. Since people don't get every shot in contact with someone, we figured this would be a good switch for the rockets.
I downloaded v1 and it was very fun and origonal so I guess I 'll DL this one too. Most people don't evan care about making a v2 because they are to lazy to fix the problems. So you are cool for making one. Good Job! Excellent Post!
That 1st picture had me laughing so hard my face hurt.. I would have said it was kinda square but the height of some places balanced it out.
the map looks well made, awesome interlokcing and geomergin, with great gameplay. everything runs smothe nice job. see you in margaritaville, bro.
OMG Challenge! Now I'm going to consider it a break if I can get out of the map using nothing but my own two feet, or 1 grenade, or 1 piece of equipment. If it takes me anything more than that I let you off. Challenge Completed!!! Well. I am known to make the impossible possible and breaking maps is my speciality. So here is a vid of fiding two ways out of your map with 1 frag grenade AND also another way out by just regular old jumping. Looks like a V3 is in order! I'll admit they're not easy to do, but they are POSSIBLE. I enjoyed the challenge. EDIT: Another 1 frag jump out of the other side of the map. Vid Link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing It's a great map btw. I like the bridge structure in the middle and it's all smoothly interlocked and geo-merged. Just get better map breakers next time Make sure it's Buddha-Proofed!
Damn you lol. If that is the only thing wrong with this map, then I don't think a v3 will be in order. I will DL your video and see if the jumps need to be attended to.
Hehe, I actually found a fourth way out now. Video updated! I'm gonna stop now. Just noticed it when playing it with a friend. Link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
I don't belive you. I will have to check your video out, right this moment. Wow, you are a genious. I doubt anyone will think of those though I hope not at least!
there werent really any signifigant changes made to the geography map. you should have edited the first post, not made a new one. but concerning the map, i like the interlocking and the powerups in the walls. i just dont see how margaritaville has anything to do with the map (jk). and you should explain the map in the description, even if it is a v2.