I bought this game the day it came out and I am loving it! Has anyone else gotten a chance to play this game yet? The demo does not cut it beleive me. 5 other variations that are much much better then the demo game. I highly recommend getting this game, it is a lot of fun! Pacfism is one of the gametypes and I got a score of 187,660,600 points on it. I was ranked like 122nd this morning.
I suck at that game Lol I can't survive the entire demo. It's like... a death hole. Of brightly colored squares.
I have probably bought like 8 games from the dashboard now...I thought this one was the best. Maybe I am just missing out on some of the better ones. What is your favorite one Yavi?
On another account (KROGOTH NZ) I got top 20 in GW:RE with a score of 16 million. I'm way lower now though like in the hundreds. I didn't know GW2 is out. Ima get it
Yea, it is so much better than the original. I have both. 6 gametypes compared to 1 and they are all so much more fun.
The only Arcade games I have are Hexic (1) Undertow (Free...) Bankshot Billiards 2 (Came with my Xbox live box package) Aegis Wing (Free too....) I've always wanted to get that Marble Blast game, but I don't have the MS, and I don't know if it's worth getting it now. They might be coming up with a sequel. Cookie to whoever finds out. I rented this game at the library that had Geometry Wars 1. It was pretty cool, but if 2 is too much like it, it'd be a waste to spend 10 dollars on it.
Geometry Wars is pretty much the only arcade game I have. And it was definitely worth the 800MP. Very fun game, but I wish it was 2 players. Anyways, I have a clone of it on my computer, so I play that whenever I'm bored.
I just got it like an hour ago! Its so ****ing awesome! I'm loving it. The way they introduced all the new features by forcing you to play through to unlock other gametypes, and attaching achievements to them was very clever of them. Because you are absolutely horrible at the first one ;D
That would be awesome. But its not gonna happen, they already made six. They didn't make any adjustments whatsoever to the previous one. Not even any bug fixes