Bopi Bopi is kind of like my old map despair, but it has a a curved roof, and instead of a second floor a g lift, spawns and u go up into a teleporter for the king of the hill. Use the map with the SM gametypes that ive made before, for despair. This map is really small but still it took me like 4 hours because i forgot to save once, and i needed to make the roof. Please Download. I recomend 2-4 players, SMTM and SMKOTH this is a team small map. I put the name in randomly so yeah, dont ask y. UPDATE: I Fixed the 2nd room pic Now for some Screens: the 2nd side and grav lift up to the teles 1st side the room thats about it thats all of the map, its a lot like despair so enjoy!!! Download Here (the map) Download SMTM here Download SMTKOTH here Download and enjoy!!!!
i know but its =not much to see its really really small i mean really i mean its really really small all it is is the pics pretty much but its still really fun and intense
parts of the map look sort of bare like the shotgun room and from what ive seen in the pics the spawn placement looks a little bad.
do you think you could upload more pics because i feel like i have no idea what this map looks/plays like
the map looks small, i think you might need more pics, from what i can see, its only a 2/5 man, sorry.
Well the top two pictures look like they are in a totally different room or level than the third. You should show the hallway, stairs, or path that leads to that area of the map in the first and second pictures.
nice map! i love how it has the despair style to it. 5/5 since i love small maps. needs more random stuff like dispair though
it looks a little small, and only 3 pictures? i also dont see many spawn points. and it does look a little messy. sorry but im not too convinced.
Sorry no dl 2/5 i cant tel what it is gamplay looks sad , Also you should change the name it doesnt "catch on" in my opinion, Looks like a thing like "Hey mom look at my Bopi"