McCain: racist, bigot & homophobe August 1, 2008 - 7:14am. By DOUG THOMPSON John McCain, a member of the House of Representatives in the mid-1980s, often held court at a table near the bar at Bullfeathers, a popular Capitol Hill watering hole, telling jokes and matching hangers-on drink by drink. As a Capitol Hill chief of staff, I often drank at Bullfeathers and was invited to join the throng at McCain's table one evening. A few minutes listening to the racism, bigotry and homophobia of the Arizona Congressman told me all I needed to know. McCain loved to tell jokes about lesbians, blacks, Hispanics and the Vietnamese community that occupied a large section of Arlington County, Virginia, just south of the District of Columbia. Of course, McCain didn't use polite language in the jokes: He used names like "fags" or "queers" or "dykes" or "niggers" or "spics" or "wetbacks" or "gooks." A typical McCain joke (overheard at Bullfeathers):Two dykes are talking at a bar and one leaves. As she walks toward the door, the other watches her leave and says out loud: "God, I've love to eat her out." Two men are standing near by and one turns to the other and says: "I'd like to do the same. Guess that makes me a dyke." Or another (also overheard at Bullfeathers):Question: Why does Mexican beer have two "X's" on the label? Answer: Because wetbacks always need a co-signer. (McCain has a documented history of ******* jokes. He's also come under fire for other jokes about rape.) Exampe: Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father. Another example: Did you hear the one about the woman who is attacked on the street by a gorilla, beaten senseless, raped repeatedly and left to die? When she finally regains consciousness and tries to speak, her doctor leans over to hear her sigh contently and to feebly ask, ‘Where is that marvelous ape?’ When he ran for the Senate, I attended a gathering of GOP operatives at the National Republican Senatorial Committee where McCain outlined his campaign strategy: I play to win. I do whatever it takes to win. If I have to **** my opponent to win I'll do it. If I have to destroy my opponent I won't give it a second thought. McCain's so-called sense of humor has no limits when it comes to simple human decency. Shortly after former President Ronald Reagan announced he had Alzheimer's Disease, McCain told this joke at a GOP Fundraiser: Do you know the best thing about having Alzheimer's? You get to hide your own Easter eggs. Even his wife is not immune. Writes Cliff Schecter in his book, The Real John McCain: Three reporters from Arizona, on the condition of anonymity, also let me in on another incident involving McCain's intemperateness. In his 1992 Senate bid, McCain was joined on the campaign trail by his wife, Cindy, as well as campaign aide Doug Cole and consultant Wes Gullett. At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain's hair and said, "You're getting a little thin up there." McCain's face reddened, and he responded, "At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you ****." McCain's excuse was that it had been a long day. If elected president of the United States, McCain would have many long days. This is the man the Republican Party thinks should be the next President of the United States. What else should we expect from a party that promotes racism, homophobia and discrimination against anyone with a different skin color, sexual orientation or ethnic origin? So we shouldn't be surprised that McCain's campaign strategy seeks to raise racial fear about Barack Obama, the first African-American with a serious shot at the Presidency of the United States. John McCain is a racist: Always has been, always will be. A retired Naval officer who says he served with McCain in the Navy says he treated black sailors with disrespect and scorn. McCain refuses to release his detailed military record and some sources say that record includes incidents that include issues with black sailors. Such attitudes are part of his family history. As noted by a black poster in Talking Points Memo: I can't love America the same way John McCain does. When his daddy was Admiral, my daddy was mopping floors. And when his granddaddy was Admiral, all the Blacks in the entire Navy were mopping floors. But they still volunteered and went to war, even when their commanders didn't think they were brave enough to fight. So who loves America more? The cook on the ship who couldn't vote in 15 states, or the Admiral who dined on the meals he slaved over? McCain's collection of off-color jokes are riddled with racist words and sentiments. Advisors have toned down the raunchy rhetoric of his early years in Congress but close aides say his attitudes have not changed. McCain opposed making the birthday of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King a national holiday. During his 2000 campaign for President, he told reporters on his "Straight Talk Express: "I hated the gooks (North Vietnamese). I will hate them as long as I live." Katie Hong of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, who reported the remark, wrote:It is offensive because by using a racial epithet that has historically been used to demean all Asians to describe his captors, McCain failed to make a distinction between his torturers and an entire racial group. It is alarming because a major candidate for president publicly used a racial epithet, refused to apologize for doing so and remains a legitimate contender. For his 2000 campaign for President, McCain hired Richard Quinn, founder and editor in chief of Southern Heritage Magazine, to serve as his spokesman in South Carolina. Notes Salon.Com:Quinn's articles have called Nelson Mandela a "terrorist" and King a man "whose role in history was to lead his people into a perpetual dependence on the welfare state, a terrible bondage of body and soul." In another piece, Quinn said of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, "What better way to reject politics as usual than to elect a maverick like David Duke?" though he did condemn Duke's bigotry. Irwin A. Tank, author of Gook: John McCain's Racism, notes a long and sordid history of racism from the presumptive GOP nominee, including: McCain's use of the anti-Asian slur "gook" publicly for 27 years before dropping the use for his current Presidential run; McCain's endorsement of George Wallace Jr., a frequent speaker at white supremacist events; His vote against establishing a holiday for Martin Luther King's birthday and then another vote to rescind the holiday. In answering a question about divorced fathers and child support, McCain called the children "tar babies." The list goes on and on. What else do you expect from a racist, bigot and homophobe? (Updated on Aug. 2 & 3, 2008, to include additional material and links) source site
Wow, all this makes me want to vote for him more. Just goes to show that Presidents are humans too, and have their flaws.
I wonder if Obama has something flawed he's hiding from us. I don't remember hearing something bad from Obama that was his fault. <.<
Well, Obama was the first one to play the race card in this election. And reyn, no offense, but you don't live in America. I realize that europeans and aussies follow American politics closely. Also, I'm sure you would LOVE the people who captured you , wouldn't you? The other things, however, are inexcusable.
I see no harm in jokes, whether they contain bad words in them or not. I doubt you've never made a racist joke. Doubt it. Someone needs to lighten up.
a man of his position should never be doing such a thing because it can be received in many ways and he should know not to anyway
I am personally ashamed he was so much as Senator in my state =/ Really, I am tired of these republicans. Obama has a chance, and although some things are iffy about him, I trust him more than McCain. Last thing I need is a draft, and I am sure McCain will push for one. I better fill my anit draft papers out now...
titmar, the creator of the thread can't vote either. So if you can't vote you can't have an opinion? No.
Regardless of voting, the American presidential election effects everyone (sad as that is to say). Being neighbors to them, and having a dumbass as our PM, I really would rather not see a Bush clone with a tiny bit more common sense and a disgusting sense of humor in office. As well, Obama kinda scares me as he is a bit too "squeaky clean". I really would have liked to see Hill in the White House, but I also wouldn't mind he taking VP. I just pray to god that McCain is 1: Not elected and hit by a car, 2:Elected and the entire republican party hit by a car, 3:Hit by a car tomorrow.
i still prefer Obama.. i didnt like McCain before this either... The cool thing is- one of my friends mothers actually grew up with obama.. so yeah. i dont understand politics yet cause i havent bothered to try.. but obama is cool
I don't like any of the choices. But I'm fourteen so it doesn't matter. I agree that as long as its a joke and you don't mean the harmful things you say then it's funny.
Woah... Sure people can have flaws but when we're talking about people having flaws we can say something like he's a bit clumsy or something small and silly. This isn't a flaw, he's choosing to a bigoted arse. That's not a flaw. That's just him being an idiot. Sorry but if you think that he's 'just a human too' for choosing to hate people of other races and homosexuals then I think you might want to rethink what you define as a human... Don't get stuck up now, we don't follow it closely but if someone like this did get to be president of America it would effect the world. My guess is it would effect the world as much as Hitler effected the world. Why does my living in Australia matter? I can't have an opinion? There is a big difference between a racist joke and an entire point of view on a section of the population of the world, refrence Hitler much?
Some of those jokes were actually funny. Also, I had to highlight every word you wrote, pink is honestly too bright. And if you decide not to vote for a candidate over the jokes he tells, then maybe you should check out the other candidates. *wondering if Obama ever said a 'White' joke?*
LOL! Someone doesn't know that in every presidential election these kind of things come out about both canidates that aren't completely true. People would go to no ends to dirt up their opponent. I am a proud supporter of McCain and the Republican Party. But, I don't want to talk about the nitty and gritty of the naughty 3, religion, politics, and sex because they just start flame wars. Jokes are jokes and nothing more or less. I laugh at those jokes, just as I would laugh at those ignorant aussies and other animal gogetters that go out and poke at snakes and when they get bitten, I laugh.
Some of these posts have been really bad, and I almost feel ashamed to be a fellow republican. Yeah I support McCain, but did you realize that he made these joke's in the 80's? People do change, some would like to say otherwise, but they do. Also referencing another point other said, they are JOKES! You need to lighten up, who hasn't used one of those derogatory remarks in their life? I bet Obama does the same thing, probably not as public as McCain, but probably.
Well for someone who talks about Hitler a lot you most know a lot about bigots. For one at least McCain served in the military. I would never vote for a president who hasn't been on the front lines. Second Obama doesn't salute the American flag, and he also stated he has been to all 57 states and has one to go. Really vote for a guy who doesn't even know how many states we have???? And the world just isn't ready for a female to pretty much lead the world. And also remember mister reference Hitler that this is the country that stopped **** Germany in under 4 yrs. What did Australia do about **** Germany?
Most of your post was rude and ignorant, which is why I am ashamed to be defending your point of view... We have more than 50 States, they won't be fully accepted into the union, because they like how we have a good even number like 50... An example would be Puerto Rico. Secondly, don't turn this into a flame war about whose country is better than whose, because it's stupid. Reyn was simply stating an article about John McCain, whom he doesn't support. It's his opinion, and you can leave it at that, rather than bringing back Wars that happened 65 years ago...