this might look hard due to the amount of text but its so long so i could leave nothing about the process untouched im not sure how usefull people will find this, but this is a tut for making an image that has both a transparent pic and a solid pic using GIMP 2.0 (im not sure if its different for the newest version so please tell me if it is) ill use this as an example i used this pic as the forground and this one for the background. please feel free to practice this skill using those two pics. im not planning to use this as a sig or anything so its open game for scaling images you go to image>scale image>*imput disired height and width* ok so now down to buisness... the first thing i did was to squish both images down to my disired height, for me this was 175px--note: i would click on the little chain next to the height vs width imput so its broken up--. Next i changed the width of my background picture (the one with the ships) to 350px which is a pretty reasonable sig width . also change the width of the foreground image (the one with the woman) to about 350px as well to make it more manageable now this next part is hard and will probably greatly piss you off. select the tool in the top right corner of the toolbox (it looks like sizzors) and start to trace the outline of the woman as best as possible. you probably wolnt be able to get this perfectally so dont worry --note: after you are done tracing the woman click anywhere inside the cropped area to detach it-- now that the woman is cropped right click on her and go to edit>cut then again right click and and go to edit>paste as new to get a new image that includes only the woman. you may notice some extra coloring around the edges, to get rid of this just simpily zoom in to 800% and use the eraser with the 3x3 circle, and get rid of any extra unwanted colorization once you are satisfied with the womans outline go to layer>transparency>color to alpha. to just make her less opaque (solid) and keep the colors the same use white, black and any shade of gray (pure gray only, no blue gray); if you choose black your image will be brighter; white and the image darker; and grey, you guessed it, right in between the two extremes. ok so at this point you have resized both images , isolated what you want of the woman using the sizzors, and turned the woman transparent. now what you do is again right click on the image of the woman then select edit>cut. now all you do is right click on the background image (ships) and select edit>paste. what you now have is two same size layers one with a transparency and one solid. in order to make the womans picture from getting distorted just select the move layers & selections icon, it looks like a crosshair, and slide the transparent layer arouns till you are happy with where it is then go to layer>anchor layer(or merge down) and... viola a sigish pic with an overlaping transparent image hope this hepls, and if this is confusing pleast tell me and i will try to get some images for referencing with the text :happy:
I use photobucket to do this Opacity is a really easy thing to get good with, i like making pictures that look somewhat blurred
Wow... I'm not even going to bother reading all of that giant wall of text. Transparency is one of the easiest things to do with an image, you just made it look like designing a ****ing rocket for NASA... WTF! If I made a tutorial for the same thing it would be MUCH simpler... Nice work...
I think that if he took his time to make a tutorial for other users then hes worth a handshake or something. And Reynbow, could you repost the picture of your sisters arm. I sorta need it for a GoO comp.
for all of you that really dont realy like this you probably dont have much trouble msking sigs, but for thoes ppl who are struggeling i believe that they will take the time to read thid so they could maby learn how to do this... and in reply to your comment reyn, bite me, its so long because i wanted to be very desctiptive and wanted to make dure that i wasnt just telling less than the bare minimal
well i was just trying to give people a basic understanding on how to do this... i agree these two pics dont go well together, ive srrn pics that have used this turn out completely beautiful
It's too long and not well written so it just ends up being confusing. Perhaps you should look at tutorials other people have made first. Then try again. That means nothing to me and makes no sense to me.