
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by EagerToWait, Aug 3, 2008.

  1. EagerToWait

    EagerToWait Ancient
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    This Site Shall be our TouchStone


    By EagerToWait and DanNewlands

    The Only Supported GameTypes:
    TeamSWAT (or Slayer)

    Directions of Use

    Now, being that the map is so small
    its not intended to have alot of players on it
    We strongly recommend 1v1/2v2/3v3
    Team SWAT warm up match,
    as it has beams running through the facility,
    making it a true test to get a head shot
    Oh a 2v2 LowBall Match.That can be intense.
    Also, you could get a 3v3 MoshPit match going.

    Scroll Down to skip the boring bit and go straight to pics...

    This Map is part of a Series...
    If you need to see our inspriation
    on the making of this map then click here and see
    our first map in this series.
    So yeah this is the second of the more to come.
    We have many ideas for different maps aswel.
    There all based in Ghost Town.
    Yes, we do forge in other maps like foundry.
    But we think that other people have got it covered.
    We believe that its still posible to make new and
    creative maps outside the pallet of Foundry,
    even tho its harder to work with GhostTown
    because we have to compensate
    with the surroundings and wreckage

    For those who like to read a BackStory here it is...

    When the covenant struck, the engernieers of this
    new facility at once realized that there dreams of a
    new testing site for there improved Spartan Program
    would never be finished...


    If you've seen our other map, Raiders,
    then your realise our motive in making
    these maps, Its set in the same room as
    Raiders, but only uses half of it.
    We had a very innotive idea-Turn the Watchtower Bases
    upside down to create a scafolding effect, that looked like
    a unfinshed House or Facility.

    Now with this map, SceernShots really speak for themselves.
    Unlike Raiders this one was mainly built by
    Dan but we did it together me giving some ideas such
    as the crawl space under the floor boads,
    and some improved Geomophing techniques.
    But i gotta give dan the most credit on this one...

    As before we have tried to balence it out.
    The weapon placements and the such...
    All i can tell you it has two floors a basement and
    that it looks mental inside...

    Discriptive ScreenShots:
    This time more angles than Raiders
    Attackers Starting Position.
    This is the Attackers base/starting point.
    Weapon setup is fair for each side. With perfect spawn times.
    Also the grenades on the map work will with each other-
    making sure theres not to many and not to less.

    Defenders Starting Position
    Its bigger than the other side. But its access to the upper
    level is harder to reach making it fair for both sides.

    Defenders-Alternate Angle
    Another view. that little annoying hole was filled by
    Geomerging a barricade there.
    That small box is morphed all the way in.
    It makes the best hinding spot in the map.
    I know... the stairs are not straight,
    but thats what you get when Dan Geomerges.
    Just kidding you tried your best...
    Next time leave it up to me lol
    Inside Middle-Sniper Spawn
    Sniper! In a small map like this? Yes,
    we love a bit on close range sniping. No Scope time.
    Its better then putting say a Shotty there
    as it will dominate in a non skillful way...

    Alternate Angle Inside
    Now these vertical beams cannot be passed through and neither bullets
    thus given a new type of cover in Team SWAT...
    Keep your head down!

    Up top-Invis Spawn
    Its a rush to the Top Middle.
    But that invis is on 180sec Respawn rate.

    Nearest to Defenders Up Top
    Its such a hard map to descibe but
    with the pics i hope you can see where that is in the map.
    BruteShot spawns up there- Long Respawn Rate

    Nearest To Attackers Up Top
    Again another view of Up Top.
    The ramp where the Attackers Spawn leads to up here.

    Under the Floor Boards
    This is a cool feature that i came up with.
    You can get in the crawl space under the map.
    Any campers can be flushed out with grenades.
    The mauler is hidden down there.
    With about one clip and high respawn time,
    because we want thi smap to be about skill,
    like i said about the Shotgun.

    Action Shots
    This time with more HeadShots than Raiders.







    Download Map

    Yeah so... Download
    And comment, RATE and all that S...

    Also if you got any questions about the map
    or how we made it just Comment below

    Love, Eager... and Dan
  2. DanNewlands

    DanNewlands Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey hope you guys like the new map . . We told you we had one coming . . View it, smell it, taste it and if you still like it eat the **** out of it ! Happy forging/morphing !
  3. screenhunter69

    screenhunter69 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great map keep on forging
  4. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow good job and i like the idea of a map inside of a map
    this is also the best ghost town map i have evar seen!
  5. EagerToWait

    EagerToWait Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man...Both of ya.

    Glad you think the ideas cool and all that...
  6. monkeyrantz

    monkeyrantz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow.. this is simply amazing, 5/5, i am going to give this a dl, also, im sure that whoever may view this map will have a great inspiration to make maps on ghost town
    you need to keep making forges like these, great job.
  7. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
    Senior Member

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    its awesome because it is a not infection map ghost town. 4/5
  8. DanNewlands

    DanNewlands Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey its Dan & Eager here we just letting you guys know we are currently hosting this map in custom games now . . if you want to join us then the gamertag is EagerToWait . . Send friend invite and we will invite you =] (8.04pm GMT)
  9. V

    V Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow this is amazing. Just goes to show ya that you don't need a foundry of forging objects to make a great map. I honestly think this should get featured. 10/10 Great job, this map is just amazing.
  10. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
    Senior Member

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    good idea, ghost towns tough to forge on, and you do a great job, even geomerge it, sweet bro, 4/5, only cause it looks cramped.
  11. EagerToWait

    EagerToWait Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks =]

    Thanks Man...Probably the best comment weve ever had lol

    And Bloumbas thanks,,,i understand what you mean by it being cramped.
    So its better played with smaller amouts of people lol

    Big thanks to all of you...

  12. Saint Prodigy

    Saint Prodigy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map looks really cool and well made nice job on it i havent seen a lot of ghost town map varients. 5/5
  13. EagerToWait

    EagerToWait Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cheers Dude glad you like it....
  14. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Like your other map, I'll go ahead and check this one out as well.

    (and, of course, get back to you)
  15. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this is a very impressive map. I've had a look at it in forge and it's quite amazing how you've created a great map inside one room in Ghost Town. The detail and focused design of the map gives it such character and it truly feels like its own map. Everything looks part of the map. The way the forge object combine with Ghost Town itself makes it feel as though it all belongs.

    Due to its size it looks ideal for 1v1 or 1v1v1 gameplay.

    My only concern are all the spawn points. So many are lumped together in certain areas that there could be issues with spawning next to someone. I haven't actually played it yet so I'm not sure if this is really the case but it's the only thing that concerns me.

    This is definately one of the most interesting non-Foundry maps I've seen in a while. Great job!
  16. DanNewlands

    DanNewlands Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey buddhacrane thanks for the wicked comment . . glad you liked it . . we thought we would get out the habit of using foundry and try something new lol this is dan by the way the guy who co-created the map with eager lol hope to hear from you soon=] Happy Forging=]
  17. EagerToWait

    EagerToWait Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you buddhacrane, for such a detailed response...
    I think its one of the first times a premium member has commented on one of our maps.
    Im glad you like it...
    The spawners..yea it being such a small map, made it hard to positon spawners.
    We tried to have a attacking and defending starting point on opposite sides of the map...with also neutrals scattered around the middle incase a enemy is close by.
    Weve played it a couple time and never spawned next to someone...which is good.
    But maybe with more people you may start having issues with spawners.
    Thanks Again Dude...
    Speak soon.

    Oh yeah Vorpal...be sure to get back to me, i'd like to see what you think...

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