Junction V2 The first Junction left a little to be desired so I listened to your comments and put a little more thought into it. Max Capacity of 8 Supports CTF and TS The Covenant have captured this abandoned outpost. It's up to you to retake it! I added alot more stuff than the first Junction as you will see in the pics and changed up the weapons/equipment. I added big time to the aesthetics but I don't want to give anything away until the pics. The sniper is still in the center but now has no extra clips. The center bridge now takes a little more effort to get to. Weapons: BRx2 PlazPistolx2 BruteShotx1 Spikerx2 SMGx2 PlazRiflex1 Magnumx2 Sniperx1 Flarex1 RadarJammerx1 BubbleShieldx1 Pics: Blue Spawn View from blue spawn Red Spawn View from red spawn View from middle towards magnum spawn View from middle towards other magnum spawn Overview 1 Overview 2 Link for DL: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing PLz leave comments criticism is always helpful (and degrading)
ehh im not a big fan of closed maps like rats nest, epitah, or well you know most maps. there isnt enough to do and to create. but there is a pretty good layout for this map. you should use your skills on a map like foundry.
Alot of maps have empty spots but the map already has power weapons so they fill the spot with a vrtually useless weapon. And I've seen alot of ppl online that overcharge plaz pistol then beatdown for an easy kil. Also dual magnums can be affective.
^ Yeah i agree with that coment i like the magnum and plasma is cool it looks like a very nice map very good job on it looks good for CTF love these types of maps
Looks a little basic... I think it could be fun though... I won't completely judge it because it is unfair to judge by screenshots but you should judge by gameplay so I will give it a try and DL...
I dont get some of this map looks like the original rats nest + some bridges... You may need so get some more photos
I did'nt really think it would need too much cover since the max capacity is 8 so there wouldn't be that much cover. But wheneve you're under fire on you side you can retreat behind the bridges
looks pretty fun, i guess, interesting idea, but wat up with the magnm spawns it should be plasma pistol and smg spawns, but wtever
I don't really get it. It dosn't look like you did much to the over all layout of the map besides some crates and bridges. I can't imagin having 8 people on the map either, from the size of the map 8 people seems a little to much. i don't know about this map. Maybe someone can proove me rong..