I have seen a lot of lame fart pics that are kind of kiddy. This one actually looks pretty nice though. 4.5/5 nice pic
Someones going to sleep like a baby tonight. Shame though, if he carries on what he did today I don't think anyone else is going to sleep like a baby! I think one person firing a rocket at someones legs, and another person firing a needler at their ass, would look pretty cool. First he goes flying, then in mid-air the needles explode. Pink goodness.
That is quite funny as it looks like he has propelled the brute shot backwards, impaling the zombie! Nevertheless, it looks like he still died from the strain and effort put into that fart... Good pic, better than I expected because I have seen so many crappt fart screenshots before!
I was forced by my cousin.......... lol so im all like no way,,,,,, then he like yes way so it took like 30 min but i agreed to host a game of vents and do you know how many people came? 0.o 16 lol but i dont really like vents but i kinda like it well i dont know...
Hi. Lol this screenshot is funny. I 've seen a similar fart pic like this one but included a Plasma grenade. Good pic !