Loosley based on Zanzibar. But much smaller. Designed for Slayer, Assault and Infection. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Details: Weapons on map: 3 Battle rifles 1 Carbine 2 Shotguns 2 SMG 1 Sniper Rifle 1 Sword 1 Needler 1 Brute Shot 1 Spartan Laser 2 Plasma Rifles 1 Gravity Hammer 2 Machine Gun Turrets Equipment: Bubble Shield Deployable cover Radar Jammer Powerups: Overshield Invisibility Defenders Base Attackers base Sword side Sniper side Please try and please give feed back. Thanks.
well if it wasnt smaller then zanziber, that would be amazing, since your on foundry =) Bro this map looks awesome, sweet interlocking, and aesthenics are awesome. Looks like a lot of fun man, keep it up. 5/5
I almost always give a little critisism even on a good map, but i cna't even think of anything to say... your post however (ha, I knew I could give you a little to sweat over), could just maybe use a longer description like how long it took you and your inpiration or whatever, and also maybe explain where some of the power weapons are.
I like the small multistory combat and good use of interlocking fence..... and try to remember the download link it's kind of important.
ooh me likey! This looks like great fun, and very well-forged. I'm excited to check it out more closely and I'll try and get back to ya with some feedback after I get some action in on it.
Yah i will, you want something to work on... uhm, this took me a while but my only complain is maybe adding some cover or hills where there isnt a structure, or maybe more ways up. the maps great bro, it took me a while to find something wrong with it.
this looks really fun you can defnatly see were u got it from zanibar but its nicer and i think is better then zanibar nice interlocking and great asthetics looks good keep forging
Yeah its small, intense and fast. Not for the weak of heart. I wish I could add some more stuff but I ran out of cash.
Hooooooooooleeeeeeeeeey.....cow. Wow this is a pretty sweet map. This looks great for 4v4 at the most and you did a really nice job making simple walls and boxes look like real structures or buildings. I'm gonna have to try this out with some friends and get back to ya but I'd give it a 10/10.
Sorry for the long reply time. Anyone else try my map. Please try. This map took me about 4 days to finish.