Hey, I wanted to create a map on Foundry, that was like a fort, and something different to my previous try hard creations. Ramparts was it's origional name months ago, but that was taken. I wanted it to be for big team battle mainly focusing on 1-sided gametypes, with the map heavily favoring in the defenders side, which meant that the attackters had to try alot. It includes the very best of forging techniques including a switch (Z0mg!!), a teleporter door and innovative new geometry designs. This is required to have atleast 10 players, designed for 10-16 players, 1 sided gametypes and infection. And a big shout out to the people who helped me along the way of making the map, and helping me test different things. Weapons, Vehicles and Equiptment - Weapons - Battle Rifle -x14 Shotgun -x4 Sniper rifle -x3 SMG -x6 Spiker -x2 Magnum -x2 Needler -x1 Brute Shot -x4 Gravity Hammer -x1 Spartan Laser -x2 Energy Sword -x1 Mauler -x2 Sentinel Beam -x2 Machine Gun Turret -x3 Equiptment Frag Grenade -x4 Spike Grenade -x6 Plasma Grenade -x4 Trip Mine -x2 Grav Lift -x3 Flare -x1 Deployable Cover -x2 Custom Powerup -x1 (Used in switch) Vehicles Warthog, Gauss -x1 Ghost -x2 Pictures Attacker Spawn 1 - Inside Attacker spawn - Tele door - Laser Spawn - Hammer Spawn and turret bridge - Inside the fort pictures - Powerup Switch - Sentinel Beams, Flare and Sniper - Additional Screenshots - DOWNLOAD LINK!!!!
Looks very unique and interesting. Where did you get your inspiration for the map sir? Oh, and is that a Armory in the back halls?
I'm not sure where I got the inspiration, I just wanted to see a good big team battle map, for 1 sided gametypes. I felt like using all new techniques aswell just to show my skills off
When I saw the Title, I was expecting something very diffrent, ill tell you that much. Very nice, best Fort map I've ever seen.
Lol I got the name from WoW, it was origionally going to be called Ramparts, but that was taken. Anyway what were you expecting?
its an excellent map but in my opinion WAAAYY too much weapons disregarding the weapons, i give this a 8.5/10 (for the defender side). it would be 9/10 if the attackers side had... something. its really bare and unfair cover-wise.
I personally don't like armouries but you definately haven't overdone it in there though. This is probably one of the best forts I have ever seen. It has great interlocking, geo-merging, 'shooting gaps' and I like the interlocked fence wall. The flare is a good addition too as it will allow people to run across the map unseen and create more fun gameplay.
The looks ok theres nothing really special about it but its good overall. I also think you should cut down on the weapons I think theres WAYYY to many.
I think the attacker side and the central area needs better cover, especially from the turrets and the Warthog.
O, it's for the attackers, didn't know. Thanks for telling me that. It's used to go against the turrets, right?
Looks good aesthetically and sounds good by the description, you've made the base look pleasing and useable but if teamwork was used it would easily be accessible just because of sheer numbers and smart use of flares and stuff. great job on trying to create something original cuase ive never seen a BTB Foundry before well done.
Well the whole idea is to work as a team, there's 2 grav lifts on the outside the attackers can use, and a series of different entries, with 5 people trying to get in and 5 people defending, it's really fun in the sense that you always have to be on your guard and work as a team really well.
Unless youve made another gamertag than this is not your map... Its the same as another map on bungie named fort valor which has been posted on bungie for quite a while..and i will post a link to the page to a mod unless you can prove otherwise... seems to me all you did was add some vehicles and a small building structure in the middle to make it different....
The only thing would be aad cover for attackers. This map looks highly inspired by Kentucky Tango but whatever. I really like the defenders base too. 8/10
This has totally changed my opinion on defender/attacker maps, the base looks super sexy and not over powered. Alot has gone into making this map and I can't see any faults. 5/5
Wow. Wanna hear something odd? For some reason, I played this map with infection under a different name. The was like "Euro" or something. That means someone stole it. Weird...Anyways, now that I've actually seen this map, and know what gametypes it should be played with, the map makes more sense to me now. lol. I think the gate switch and bunker ideas make the map look very unique and different from other forts. It looks very solid, overall. If I were to suggest anything, it might be to give the attackers a small holding structure or two (unless you have no $ left), even though it is a one-sided map. Good job man. 4.5/5 from me.