RESTRAINT v1.3 :: Slayer, CTF (MLG compatible) by Jump4h ----------------------- Ok, so this is my first "official" map that I'm releasing. I spent a good amount of time on it, balancing weapons and whatnot. I've play tested it with a large amount of people and have had all positive responses. It's designed to be played with MLG settings, but is also fun to play regular slayer or other games like snipers. Basically, There are two bases located in corners, and typical 2-team games will start out facing eachother, but with the center "wall" mostly obstructing the view as to not allow for obnoxious spawn kills at the start. There are two towers (A and B), one on each side, with bridges leading down to a double-open box in the center which has a Sniper lying on a horizontal bridge in front of it. There is a back hallway running behind the towers, and a good sized niche off the back hall for cover. The central wall has several ways to pass through it, allowing for more dynamic gameplay. Various cover has been thoughtfully placed around the map. Screens! (From Base B looking towards the middle/tower B) (From the top of Tower B, looking at middle wall and Base A) (From the bottom of tower A looking at middle) (Back hall) (From Base A looking at tower A) Any questions, comments, or suggestions are greatly appreciated. If you want to play it, let me know! It should be number 1 on my fileshare. My gamertag is Jump4h Link to Map:
this looks sweet! i like the idea. and i like lookin at it, makes me wanna go turn on my xbox rite now
Plays much different from Onslaught, believe me. Try playing it in-game. You'll get a better look at the map that way. I tried my best with the screens but you never fully 'see' a map until you play it. And I don't remember what the original foundry middle looked like but I'll take your word for it
Wow looks really FAWESOME! ahah i think that if i played it, it would seem big and i like medium-big maps also very good with inter-locking
thanks for the feedback, guys. I'll be tweaking it a little here and there, hopefully releasing an updated version soon.
I suppose it does from that particular screen It is more interactive than the foundry original, however. check it out in-game. Like Valkyrie, I will be overhauling this map for aesthetics and playability. I figure I'll relocate the sniper to the back niche (which I will redesign) and play with new possibilites to the center wall so that it doesn't resemble the original foundry too much. I think the bases can be improved as well. they're a bit bland at the moment. If anyone has ideas/comments/suggestions/problems regarding this map, please tell me.
hey ur map looks awesome, i dl it and ill try it out, the only suggestion i wud make is its a little open in one of the pics but it cud just be the way u took hte pic or something idk but it looks awesome. oh and thanks for commenting my map =]]
no prob ^_^ Yeah its not too open in-game. I'm reworking the center bit and the "niche" a little, hopefully i can release a v2 sometime in the near future. i keep getting distracted by new projects. I wish i could think a forge map into existence to increase productivity (lol, just imagine). edit: its always pleasant to see my maps bumped . its pretty lame for the thread owner to do it, but i guess its legit when others do. Its like... "hmmm... lets see what new competitive maps are out... Hey! Restraint again? cool "
hey i downloaded this one too but i havnt checked it out yet but it looks like it has similar ideas from valkrie but try geomerging into the wall with ur bases and stuff
yeah this was actually my first official forge map there's no geomerging currently I'm planning to do a bunch of big changes, because this is my personal favorite of my maps and I want to to be the best that it can be. I'll fix it when im done with my current project (assuming no other projects poof into existance :\). Yeah, the bases are going to be redone, both pleasing aesthetically and gameplay-wise. The middle wall needs some rearranging, and the back "niche" is going to be revamped. Expect the v2 of Restraint to be out next week, with any luck.
that last picture either makes the sartan look small or the fence wall huge! haha it does look really fun. i might just have to play this tonight.
That looks nice and funtacular. 4/5 just from images. But sadly, CONES, OF ALL THINGS, are not MLG standard.