created by Lawful Chilli Download The word zenith means "the highest point", in this case a tower. Zenithide v2 is a small map made for slayer. It is a small cylinder shape, with four levels. Almost everything is interlocked, weapons spawn on the walls, and it features many objects that are purely aesthetic(man cannons, powerups, and weapon holders). The first level has a window panel with walls coming off either side at an angle, A and B signs behind the walls, and a fence wall behind those. There is also a barrier to either side of the hole , one with a teleporter to the fourth level behind it. It contains a mauler and radar jammer. It also contains a frag grenade behind the window panel. The second level is a single open box with doors coming out of the four corners and A and B signs on the outside. This level houses the overshield, an SMG, a plasma rifle, and two frags. The third level is two perpendicular interlocked walls with window panels coming off two of these sides and 4 A and B signs along the outside, one closer to the hole has a teleporter behind it that leads to the fourth level. Fence boxes make up the roof. There is an upright short barrier in the back, by which there are two plasma grenades. This level also contains a plasma pistol, a spiker, and a shield drainer. The forth level is a slightly different shape, a smaller oval with two small rectangular sections that come off the oval. There is a tipped corner wall in the middle (like a tent shape) and two barriers on the outside. This level contains an smg, a spiker, two frags, and a regenerator. Zentithide is recommended for 1 v1, 2v2, or 3-4 person FFA. It can also support 3v3 and 2v2v2, although that gets a bit crowded. so 2-6 players. Recommended SMG start although ARs work Weapons and Equipment: mauler x1--150 sec respawn-- 0 spare clips smg x2--45 sec-- 1 spare clip plasma rifle x1--60 sec spiker x2--45 sec--1 spare clip plasma pistol x1--30 sec frag x5--10 sec plasma grenade x2--20 sec radar jammer x1--90 sec shield drainer x1--120 sec overshield x1--150 sec regenorator x1--90 sec Supported Gametypes: Slayer and Team Slayer Screenshots (there's a lot): *Overhead shots are with above objects and levels deleted, you can't get out, there is a roof Level 1 overview (i might have accidentally deleted the fence wall in this one From under the hole to next level, mauler in back Level 2 overview \ Level 3 overview(i had to do third person monitor to get up that high) Level 4 overview Action Shots Thanks to DimmestBread for testing and the suggestions(weapon repsawn times) and everyone else that tested.
very, very, very nice map...5/5 and a dl for sure....ahhh 100 limit....nvrmnd oh yeah and I really like the way the floor is organized
Looks like a pretty complicated map to make. Several levels with teleporters to get between. Also it looks pretty unbreakable. Your weapon list seems fine so I would give this map right now a 4/5 at least. I will rate fully when I play.
This looks like a very nice well made compact map! Great job! This looks very fun and I havn't ever seen a map on forgehub quite like it! I am going to download. I really like it!
Is there an escape hazard at the top? I can't really tell. 4/5 but the circle shaped map design is starting to get old.
Looks really good actually, although I'd get confused on a map that big but then again I often forget which ways left and which ways right... 4/5 for being good but too complicated for my feeble mind to comprehend.
looks pretty enclosed cool map, i like the 2nd level pic a lot. nice design, seems good for shotties or even a noscopes sniper game
As a fan of close-combat maps, i will definately download and look it through. To judge by the screenshots and the weapon list, i will give it a 4/5 right now.
looks well made, small though. interlocking and everything is sick, assuming theres a roof, or else you can get out easy. deff a 1v1 or 2v2, your right. theres no way 4v4 is even possible, good job bro.
yay v2. i like the original a lot, and this look better. but why only one or no spare clips this time? doesn't seem like enough ammo to me
God you really got to tell me when you are posting your maps. (By the way, I was at a slipknot and disturebed concert and I now know what weed smells like). I do like this map. It is very well made. the only problem I had saw is that some stuff was crooked but I yelled at you for that and you fixed it. Also, to anybody that is wondering, the weapons work perfectly well and no one weapon is completely overpowered. Of course I usually prefer bigger maps so no DL from me (Haha, that was supposed to be funny because I can play it whenever I play with you). But anyway good map.
All right, im going to edit the pots to make it a little more clear that THERE IS A ROOF AND YOU CANNOT ESCAPE. and there is plenty of weapons and ammo wdw
Great map, but when I tried it with 6 people, it was a bit crowded, but that was to be expected - great for 2v2s or FFA - 4/5
I told you to put that part in big bold red letters at the top of your post. Thats the only way people are going to see it because some people just look at the pictures.
This looks amazing, very nice use of all of the forge techniques, I'll give it a dl sometime definitely, can't right now tho. 5/5
Looks really great! I like how its a circular map with multiple levels... It has great interlocking and such... Great job!