Eulogy (Updated)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Hiney Sneeze, Aug 2, 2008.

  1. Hiney Sneeze

    Hiney Sneeze Ancient
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    Eulogy (Updated)
    Created by Hiney Sneeze

    Supported Gametypes:
    This map was primarily designed for Free For All games. I have a gametype for Oddball as well.

    Map Description
    All download links are at the bottom. This is my de-virginizing map post, so I would truly appreciate some constructive feedback.


    A look down the back hallway reveals some obstacles, grenades and a Power Drain.

    The view from Base 02 shows a little cover, a ramp on the left (Mauler below the ramp) and several structures in the main area of Foundry.

    UPDATE: Looking toward the previously-described Mauler location shows a Flare. This thing has proved very useful in the area displayed. The Shield Door has been removed and the 'B' sign has been moved to the right a few feet. [​IMG]

    This is the first of eight structures. Behind the ‘A’ wall is a teleporter to take you to the upper level where you have access to a Brute Shot and a Man Cannon to shoot you to the central structure.

    Upper level of first structure. The walkway/ramp heads toward the Man Cannon.

    Another view of structure number 1.

    UPDATE: Structure number two contains a Battle Rifle and Deployable Cover. It can be accessed three ways; 1. jump to from the first structure, 2. jump to from the ramp on the left, or 3. walk onto from the central structure. All of it is above the ground except for the single box seen through the Shield Door (Spawn location on top of it).

    The third structure is where you can find the Active Camo and the Needler. There are also a couple of good snipe locations here. The Man Cannon shoots you up to the central structure and the ramp is used to get onto the upper level here. The wall merged into the double box can be reached by a jump from the central structure, and vice versa. The wall/floor below the Active Camo is not against the window wall. A wary jump to get the Camo will result in you falling to the ground level. Also, obviously, there is a Ghost resting in this area.

    UPDATE: In the center of the back wall is the fourth structure. It contains two Spike Grenades (replaced with Plasma Grenades) and the Energy Sword. The sword is over the hump, which creates a great sniping location or ambush spot. It can be reached by the bridge leading to it, or from the lower level of the central structure. A jump from either end of this will reach structures number 3 and the next one. Below this is a sign sticking out from the wall to provide a little cover to running Spartans and Elites, as well as a Trip Mine to help combat the Ghost.

    UPDATE: Structure number 5 is in the rear Base 01 corner and contains; a Brute Shot, Carbine, Overshield, and Power Drain. It seems like an overly powerful area, and would be if it weren’t for the minimal cover. It is easy to get grenade-spammed if you spend too much time here. The Man Cannon will deposit you on the central structure and a Gravity Lift will assist you in climbing it from the left end. The Man Cannon has been fully merged into the single box. It no longer sticks up from the top.

    UPDATE: This view of structure number 5 shows the Overshield, Power Drain and Brute Shot. The Brute Shot is stuck to the side of the single box containing the Man Cannon. The visible Plasma Grenade has been replaced with a Frag Grenade.

    The sixth structure guards a Plasma Cannon and two Spikers. The Spikers are below the ramp and against the vacuum pipes. There is also an Incendiary Grenade located above a small ledge facing the central structure.

    A second view shows a Shield Door that provides a little cover, but which is lifted from the ground to still allow explosive things to get by. The Man Cannon is used to access the central structure and to shoot the Wire Spool at your enemies. It sucks to get killed by that when someone shoots it up at you. Ask me how I know. There is also a Man Cannon on the other side of the dividing wall opposite this one. It did not appear in the image. And, a Mauler rests on the ground in front of the Wire Spool.

    This is the central structure. It is a four level pyramid. There are three doors on the ground level to access the room in the bottom center. The second level also contains a small central room with a bridge for a floor, as well as several closets and a hall that passes through the width of the pyramid. The bridge floor in the central room does not cover the entire floor, which allows to drop into the lower level. The third level has a hallway through the width and the top level has a Sniper Rifle with an extra clip. Two Gravity Lifts help you get up the higher levels and four ramps, along with the myriad Man Cannons allow you to access the pyramid from the outer areas and ground level.

    Here is the Base 01 side of the pyramid. You can see on the second level there are two doorways. The right-most passes directly through the width of the structure and contains two SMGs. The left-most door allows to either pass through the center to the other side, picking up a Regenerator along the way, or to drop into the lower room. The Gravity Lift gets you onto the top level. The doorway to the left of the Gravity Lift contains a single Plasma Grenade and passes through the width of the structure.

    The Base 02 side has four doorways. The left-most doorway on the second level is the SMG hall. The next doorway to the right contains the Regenerator and allows passage through, or down into the pyramid. The next doorway to the right is simply a small opening, or a closet. It is very useful for a quick hiding spot when turning the corner. People run right by. The doorway on the upper level passes through to the single Plasma Grenade. There is also an equipment Gravity Lift on the upper level.

    UPDATE: This is a view from the top to the seventh structure. The double box contains the Flare seen above. The ramp that leads up to the top of the double box, as well as the Man Cannon on the right and the one on the left (normally seen where the small pile of trash is located) do not span until 45 seconds into a match. A Battle Rifle is found on top of the box along with a few Doors for cover. Each large room in the base areas houses a Carbine and a Crate for a little cover.

    Here’s a view of the central room of the pyramid. It contains some line-of-sight cover, a Bubble Shield, Spike Grenade and a Shotgun. The Custom Power Up gives you super speed, Active Camo and a Waypoint Marker over your head.

    Another view of the central room.

    The Shotty location has been moved to the top of the stairs and the Bubble Shield remains in it's previous spot. The Custom Powerup has been moved to a special place not described in these pictures.

    I'll take up everyone that has offered to test this with me, likely this evening. I'll send you a FR via Xbox Live. Hopefully you can play. Thanks, Sentinel, for the excellent feedback and ideas. I appreciate it.

    Further, there are now three types of grenades on the map. I removed all Spike Grenades and replaced them with either Frags or Plasmas.

    I know you expect action shots and there are two reasons I do not have any. 1. My friends don’t like to play Custom games. 2. The two times I tried to solicit testing help here, I got no love… nothing, nada, zip.

    I hope you give the map a chance because it plays very well. I’ve played with eight people and it was very past paced and fun. I’d use those images but they are of an old version, a real old version.

    For all you interlockers there are like five or six things that are not interlocked. Aside from that, all the required jumps to get here or there were included purposely. Any small humps in my interlocking were not.

    Download Eulogy
    Download Sacrifices (FFA)
    Download Skull Cracker (Oddball)
    #1 Hiney Sneeze, Aug 2, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2008
  2. Fluffy Pie

    Fluffy Pie Ancient
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    Looks like a well made map 4.5/5. If you need someone to help test out to get action shots Id be happy too. I will be on in like an hour or 2. My GT is Fluffy Pie.
  3. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    Impressive... THis has a lot of great interlocking. nice design too. 4.5/5
  4. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    If this is your first map post then congratulations.
    For one, it looks like a very well-made map.
    And two, there is an amazing post to go with it.
  5. Orphanslayer92

    Orphanslayer92 Ancient
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    Looks like an alright map, I like that you onterlocked almost everything but the map seems just a bit open.
  6. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    this is a really nice map i like that you did show us the part under the pryimade and it is a very nice job good forging
  7. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    This is a really nice map you have here. There's a bunch of good interlocking and nice structers. The only thing I'd get rid of though is the shield door by the B-sign (where the bridge-ramp is) ~to prevent major camping.
  8. Who is MCV?

    Who is MCV? Ancient
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    Great design and the central/ sword towers look amazing but i think the Bases could use a little more cover 4/5.
  9. Hiney Sneeze

    Hiney Sneeze Ancient
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    That was the intention. The map uses all of Foundry, all of the budget, a lot of the verticality of Foundry and still has plenty of roomto use the Man Cannons to fly across the map, plenty of room to drive the Ghost, etc.

    Hitting the Man Cannons at an angle sends you all the way across the map and I love fighting against someone on a Ghost.

    So, while I understand and appreciate your opinion, this is the way the map was designed.
  10. Hiney Sneeze

    Hiney Sneeze Ancient
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    I've considered that and have it removed in another version of this map called Eulogy Blue. IT is relatively easy to toss in grenades behind the ramp where it meets the dividing wall and the space is so small that two grenades will take someone out. Next time I play it I'll remove it and see how it runs.
  11. Ace Of Light

    Ace Of Light Ancient
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    Isn't it a little cheap to have a close-range weapon (mauler) right behind a shield door? But other than that, it looks like a great map with great use of all the Forging 101 stuff. I also give it a 4.5/5
  12. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    The overall level of the interlocking in this level is to a high standard. There are however a number of points throughout the level where the map can become quite bumpy. This is just a minor point but if addressed it would just make the map feel nicer to run around and play games on. To repeat the first point made the overall level of interlocking is very good on both the main structure and the smaller structures around it.

    The centre structure is certainly the visually dominating one which I think is probably what you were trying to achieve so you hit the nail right on the head there. The smaller structures are all nice, varied with multiple levels and nice merging of objects to create different sized ramps and jumps to all levels. They also offer a nice alternative to using the centre structure to scale the level. One odd thing I have to point out it’s a shame that the man cannon by the Overshield is not dropped completely into the box like the one in the opposite corner to it. It looks odd to be honest and I think it would improve the maps aesthetics if you addressed this.

    In the back offices I like what you did with the window panels but unfortunately, like many maps that use the back areas, the offices and areas in front of them feel bland and open compared to the rest of the level. This unfortunately does detract from the level as a whole and because of how open these areas are it really emphasises how open much of the lower level is. Whilst I am sure this makes use of the Ghost easier it makes me as a player feel very vulnerable and personally my feet would never want to touch the foundry floor in a game on this map.

    The top of the centre structure is jump limited which may annoy some people but it doesn’t bother me because I feel that by placing a power weapon and its height you have to accept it. Though I will question your choice of weapon. In front of the foundry windows you have placed an Alien Sniper so what is so special about the human Sniper to warrant its place on top of the level. Just my opinion but swap the Fusion gun and Human Sniper around to make the journey to the top much more worthwhile. Why would I travel all the way up there when there is a Sniper that is much easier to get to?

    The turret on the map, most people hate turrets. I think you placed a great turret! The shield door is a double edged sword, you cannot be shot but it makes for very easy grenade kills. This is a big plus for you and your map balancing. The turret is deadly but in no way overpowered.

    The bottom centre room has the shotgun, the bubble shield and the custom power up I think that this is bit over the top for one room. Maybe just remove the bubble shield to even it up and make it a bit more balanced. I do like how the room has multiple entry points and how you can jump on top of the “main entrance” door. It is well thought out in its construction I am just not so convinced by the weapon and equipment placement. Also the mauler/shield door people have already said this and I agree it’s a bit strong.

    The way you have “Tagged” weapons onto walls is very cool I do like it and because of where they are I think that the chances of them being blown off is limited. It will happen eventually but I do not think it is a massive problem. It is one of the coolest things about the map and I really like it. Overall your weapon balance seems very good, a nice amount of long range and short range weapons. Having two snipers is not that bad a thing because of the amount of cover on the level. So long as players stay high line of sight across maps is not easy.

    Four types of grenades on the map. Personally I do not like it when people do this. I feel that it forces a player to have to swap too much, its like micromanagement. Having to grenade swap three times to get back to Frags is too much when you consider that the Plasma, Spike and Flame grenade serves practically the same purpose. This is very much my personal opinion though and I am sure many people would disagree with me.

    Overall I think the map is very good. Its construction is very nice, well interlocked as a general rule. The use of anti gravity to move players around is well used and another plus for the map. I find it all too easy to screw up with man cannons but you seem to have it worked out. There are a number of things I was unsure about and it is mostly geared towards the weapon balance of the map. I think that most of the things I have commented on are easily changed however.

    A very nice FFA map

    I SeNTiNeL I
    J A Y and buddhacrane like this.
  13. Happy War Cow

    Happy War Cow Ancient
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    I like the looks of it from all the pictures. If you want action shots, I'd be happy to test it with you. I don't know how it plays yet, but from the pictures, 4/5.
  14. Hiney Sneeze

    Hiney Sneeze Ancient
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    I did not notice that in all my running around in the level. I'll drop it a bit. Good eye.

    I completely agree with this sentiment and the reason it is a little barren is two-fold; first, it prevents the Ghost from being limited to certain areas of the map, and second, it tends to focus gameplay to the guts of the map. The hall is a relatively strange part of the map to work with; hence, the Window Panes were placed to break up the space.

    The reason the human Snipes is where it is as opposed to the Beam Rifle is due to the close proximity of the human Snipes to the Sword. They are placed in their locations to compliment each other and the Beam Rifle is placed as it is to encourage sniping from cover (near the Active Camo) instead of staying on the top level. But you bring up a very good point. Perhaps a BR would be better-suited in the Beam Rifle location. Thoughts?

    I struggled with this room. I wanted there to be reasons to go in. I primarily struggled with the placement of the Custom Powerup. There is a room on the back face of the pyramid I didn't talk about because no one ever goes in there and I left a surprise to be discovered. That is where the Custom Powerup normally sat. I really dig the Shotty/Bubble Shield combo because I love fighting against it in games myself so that will likely stay. The Custom Powerup though... might be moved.

    I saw someone else do this (Matty?) and thought it looked real cool so I borrowed the idea. I tried to tag four, one in each corner. None seem to get blown off their perch so they do work out well.

    Preshate the feedback. This is some good stuff. The Shield Door/Mauler deal is fixed, sans Shield Door.

  15. Wally12

    Wally12 Ancient
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    This map looks pretty interesting. I like how the map is neat and everything is fused cleanly. Good job. 4.5/5.
    #15 Wally12, Aug 2, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2008
  16. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    I think that if you were to remove the Beam Rifle the Human Sniper location would make much more sense and a Battle Rifle would be a good replacement weapon. I was thinking of saying to place a carbine in there but i remembered there is another carbine not too far away so people would grab one and leech the other for ammo. The Battle Rifle does seem like the logical choice really. That or you could leave it blank, it does not have to have a weapon. One idea i did have would be to place a plasma pistol there with a grenade. That way whilst not being a weapon it offers some nice tactical options. Hopefully something in that paragraph will help.

    Glad you found the feedback useful. I like to try and give a rather detailed breakdown of what i think because i do feel it helps people geniunely improve their map or just simply to find out how other people react to the little things in a map. Its often the little things that people cannot show in screen shots like weapon distances and jumps that really make a map.

    I SeNTiNeL I
  17. Hiney Sneeze

    Hiney Sneeze Ancient
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    It is now a BR. I also fixed the Man Cannon sticking up issue. All the little interlocking bumps are a different story. The surfaces I sat the boxes on when I built the structure are no longer there. To correct this would require so much work that, honestly, well, it's just too much work.

    Thanks for the FR...
  18. Rankeao

    Rankeao Ancient
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    This is an awesome map. I've played it with as it little as two players and as much as 8 players and it's been a lot of fun during all games. I like the fact that you can use man cannons and teleporters as a quick escape route when you're in trouble which makes it really interesting since you can't take kills for granted. Also, it has a good variety of nicely placed weapons without being overloaded by them. Really digg it.
  19. Hiney Sneeze

    Hiney Sneeze Ancient
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    Thanks, Rankeao. I appreciate the one on one matches you suffered through so I could work on moving boxes a pixel here, a pixel there.
  20. soregz132

    soregz132 Ancient
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    why didn't u make it so that one map can support both oddball and slayer

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