These are my first pics I've uploaded, and I feel confident about. WOW, something that isn't staged or from campaign! Surprisingly this got 100 downloads I had no idea the flower was there These are all on my fileshare. My GT is: Bartlomit
I like the last three the best but the elite is super ownage in a small picture. Not surprised at the dl count.
When i first looked at your pics i was like. These are all un-iteresting and boring, but i continued to look at them. And i found this picture! It just blew me away! These are the kinds of pictures that people LOVE to see. I think all your other pics are bring down your post!. I suggest moving this picture to the top of the page! It will get WAY more people interested! believe me! Amazing work on that pic. I give that pic a 5/5 ( i dont give out those kinds of marks very often! You should be proud!) But for the whole post i give it a 3/5! Peace Out!
Lol, the Elite makes me laugh so much! I really like your pics, some of them show some global expression.
wow, i'm surprised there was lots of positive feedback. now if only people downloaded these...and if i could make good maps...