Zendarrun Proudly Presents.... Yes, after THREE WEEKS in development, Desolate mine is Finaly ready to be released to the public. I have been working my ass off and almost refused to sleep while it was still unfinished, often working until 4:00am. Now, i can finaly get some rest. (NO LIES) also, id like to thank some certain people, or at least the maps they made. Several components of Desolate Mine were inspired by other maps. the center chamber's floor was inspired by the high platform on Chalice (just like the teleporters on mausoleum were). the tunnels that make up red side were inspired by a map made by the guys who brought you cyclopean. the design for the teleporter shaft was inspired by TNT polo. So, some credit goes to the geniuses who's engineering helped inspire my maps most important features. also, some credit goes to my xbox live friend, who helped with some of the minor components (mostly the cieling). Now, for the description: Desolate Mine was designed to promote close combat. To make it balanced, there is only one shotgun and NO other close range weapons. The shotgun itself is VERY limited in its often unholy power. But, we'll get to that later. This maps main features are the large circular chamber and a tunnel running under it. the teleporters on both sides of the map lead tho this large chamber, which is also where a Fuel Rod Gun spawns, along with 2 sentinal beams (which often go unnoticed, but are very helpful). The Shotty spawns directly beneath the FRG, in a tunnel. This map works very well with one sided and two sided games, as well as slayer. Currently plays: Slayer CTF Assault (i think) If you do objective games, i suggest you increase the score to win so that the game lasts a little longer. MAP IS BEST WITH 4-8 PLAYERS. Weapons/quantity/spawn time/ spare clips/ # at start Assault rifle / 2 / 30 seconds / 2 / 2 Battle rifle / 4 / 30 seconds / 2 / 4 SMG / 4 / 30 Seconds / 1 / 4 Plasma rifle / 2 / 20 seconds / NA / 2 Fuel Rod Gun / 1 / 120 seconds / 1 / 1 Sentinal Beam / 2 / 60 seconds / NA / 1 ShotGun / 1 / 90 seconds / none / 0 spike grenades / 4 / 10 seconds / 4 frag grenades / 2 / 10 seconds / 2 Bubble Shield / 1 / 60 seconds / 1 Regenerator / 1 / 60 seconds / 1 There are two halfs (roughly symmetrical) as described in this crappy drawing: as you can see, I put as much space as possible between the return points. Remember this drawing is only to help you see what its shaped like, it Really is more organized than this. center chamber Red side, near teleporter red side, near flag spawn red side tunnel entrance blue side, near teleporter reciever nodes (directly above the Fuel rods) i wonder who that good looking spartan with the Shotgun is..... and the image at the top is of the tunnel that i was talking about also, i was considering placing 1 or 2 maulers, but decided against it. Do you think they would help or hinder the gameplay? Download Desolate Mine YOU MAY NOW POST
the first pic looks wll made, and i think i like the layout, so is it asymetrical, or symetrical i cant tell. edit- allright im back, the map looks sick bro, interlockings awesome. I love the circle room, it musta taken a while, you clearly took your time and made a sweet map. 5/5
Pretty small, but aseticly (totaly spellt that wrong) breathtaking! The map itself would be a 3/5, but just because of its looks, 5/5.
This actually looks pretty interesting. I am sick of big boxy maps and have become more akin to the smaller enclosed maps,so obviously this caught my eye. The only thing that concerns me with small maps like this that are set up for objectives is the spawn placement. I know it's a bit of work, but maybe a overview shot with some spawn locations? And one last thing, assault you think? I hope you mean assault for sure! Because that could be epic on a map of this size.
Dude nice map Im DL for Sure Centre chamber looks the NUTS Dan aint Morthing spelt like this "morphing" Anyways around here they call it interlocking
hmm i have seen many maps with that bridge circle but yours is far most the best it looks perfect otherwise the map seems great and fun to play on 5/5. keep up the good work!
Yeah, im Very bad at setting up the bomb planting points in assault. that may need fixing in an update. or the less patient forgers could fix it in little more than one minute.
wow, nice job! i like the claustrophobia feel im getting from this map! and from the pics it looks like there are two floors, is that correct? ohh yeah you must be a little tired... =P
This looks pretty ****ing epic i love close combat games you just made my day! actually im going out for an ice cap now which is going to but this came pretty cloes i like the symbol underthneath fuel rod good job keep forging
Next time interlock lol Looks like you really put some effort into this... and you did a great job! You have definately earned a DL from me! Great work 5/5
This map blew my pants off (even though they were already off) I love the interlocking great job 5/5.
Hours, upon hours of guess and check work. also, I built the red side first, then the center and tunnel, then blue side. and inferior pigeon, there is two floors. and yes, i was tired, but it was worth it. but it will be a few weeks before i start another project (maybe).
dude this looks very well forged and well this is going to be one of my favorites just because you took so much pride in your work thAT you fixed every little detail. Thank you for that.
It looks very well made. However, I do not like double open boxes interlocked together. Grenades tend to get stuck on the sides. But i guess it's something you can't do anything about. Nice map. 5/5