Mt. Mongoose by Morphine (Timeless161) Players: 2-10 Teams: 2 Map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Hello everyone, this is my first map post in some time and sadly might be my last. I originally posted the 'mini game map pack vol. 1' and with minor success (1000+ downloads) then I began work on the second pack but never finished. I completed two maps for this pack but this is arguably the best. The game starts off with players dividing into two even teams (5v5 at most). One team acts as the defending team while the others take the job of the attackers. The defenders spawn in a contained balcony type area at the top of the mountain. The area has an inventory of weapons: 4 Fuel Rod Guns 1 Spartan Laser 4 Sticky Grenades (Active Spawn) 1 Trip Mine (Mild Spawn) With these tools of destruction, the team must prepare for the attacks who will be mounting mongooses at the bottom the hills in the enclosed spawn locations. The ultimate goal of these attackers is to drive up the mountain, catch air off one of the first three lifts, jump over the defenders, and land in center of this active volcano. This is much easier said then done however, the attackers will have to deal with explosions constantly detonating all over the mountain as well as the defender's powerful armory. The attackers have only 2 mins per round to score one of their players, they must keep in mind that you will not be able to make it into the scoring area or exit the starting area without being on a mongoose (as it is closed off with teleporters). If you lose your mongoose while on the mountain one can only hope for a teammate to give them a ride or to be killed by explosions. As for the defenders, team work is the only real key to this game and with only 4 rounds a mistake can be very costly. Alright well I hope you guys all give this one a shot, I would love to get some feed back on this. I know there are some minor problems here and there but keep in mind this is just the first version of this map and I plan on polishing it up in the future. So any ideas or feedback is welcome, and any help would be amazing. Have fun and enjoy!
this is very original, i like the idea of having a raceing map combined with a mini game, it shows that you have great imagination
Wow this is a great idea for a minigame. It's fun yet challenging and that is essential for a game or map to work. The choice of weapons are also good as (this may sound stupid) they are colourful... Blue stickies, green fuel rods and orangey explosions. Well done
Man, I've always had an idea to do this but I was always too lazy, thanks for making it. It looks great
What a great idea! I love how its a mini game compined with a racing track .. And the arena place looks great too! Great job!
I don't care how gameplay is (even though it look very fun), I would give you a 5/5 just for the perfect interlocking!
GOOD JOB. i love it when people come out with new and exciting ideas. I'm gonna have to check it out and get back to you on the rating
This looks really fun and you did great complexity and design too! Great interlocking, I'm downloading! 4/5
Definitely downloading this one. I have a lot of parties where my friends come over and we just play Halo 3 all day. This will be a great map/gametype for one of those occasions.
Just wondering... Why exactly the 4/5? Anything that could have been better? Just looking for some more constructive criticism here.