You know the map will reappear as soon as you've gotten as far as you currently are....its just how technology works.
no this will happen except youll just see the foundry water everywhere lol
Um this sort of thing happened to me once before but it was a long time ago. It was pretty early in the Halo 3 days, actually just right after the Heroic map pack came out. It was a really crappy map so I wasn't worried, just really annoyed (I was just playing around on Foundry trying to recreate something CoD-like). I had saved it multiple times and reloaded a few times as well so it was appearing in my list of maps at some point. The only thing that I do remember doing before this happened was that I saved the map and hit the XBox's power button right after. Now I always save, quit, get to the menu, wait ten seconds and then finally power down. Unfortunately I can't tell you the solution to this problem except that after a few days of frustration, it magically appeared again in my list of maps all on its own. Hopefully you will be as lucky, but I'm just letting you know that you aren't the only one who's maps have randomly disappeared.
This may sound like a n00bish question (and it kinda is, though I'm not accusing you of anything), but are you sure you're on the right gamertag? I remember a few times when I first started forging that I'd go in under one gamertag and do some forging, only to find it gone when next I signed in due to my being on the wrong gamertag... Otherwise, the only thing I can think to do to get at it would be to crack out your HDD from its casing, get an external enclosure, open the thing on your computer, and see if you can't find the map and figure out how to rename/reassign it... Also, I have found that when a map I've been making vanishes for whatever reason (accidental deletion, prank, neglecting to save, getting your own XBox, etc.), the remakes are usually a lot better, and go quite a bit quicker. This is because you know what to look out for when making the new one, know exactly what you're doing, and generally have picked up a few tricks to make it better. Who knows, you might just end up liking the remake more than the original...
That happened to me once but not far enough into the map to get mad about. I had been playing on my 360 for a while though and just passed it off as overheating. Maybe that's what happened. Overheating makes a 360 do some weird things. Ex) Being able to walk around and kill the characters in a cut scene in Gears of War. If that can happen, anything can.
My only suggestion would be that you deleted it on accident... Mabey copy what you allready had from the vid. Try to save multiple versions of your map like a v1 v2 v3 while your making it. Sorry
This Happened To Me Before I Noticed It Quickly And Just Shut The Xbox Down And Waited Like 30 Seconds Loaded It Back Up Loaded Halo 3 Up And It Was There. Cause It Was Weird I Was Forging Then A Friend Wanted To Play And We Played A Couple Of Rounds Then When I Looked For My New Map It Was Gone So . I Just Thought To Turn It Off And Load Everything Again . Tuff Luck Dude . Wait Till You See My New Creation. Ttyl.
This happen to me awhile back when one of my maps was about 45% done. I turned on my Xbox to go do more work on it and it just wasnt there or on my recent maps and none my friends had it either. The only thing I had of it was the film. I had to start the map all over again. Im srry if you have to do the same.
no, it didnt come back. yes, i was on the right account. no, i didnt accidently delete it. i had nothing to do with it. i have since rebuilt what i had, and surpassed that point. thanks for your sympathy, and i hope it doesnt happen to anyone again. can this get locked now?