So, ive been working on the follow-up to Bayonetwork, entitled Vertebraille... It was about 40% done as of this afternoon. Well, anyways, I turned on the 360 tonight, and my map is gone. vanished. nothing. Of course i played a ton of Matchmaking before checking, so my recent maps list is **** outta luck. I do have a video of it in my recent videos though. Is there any known way to get it back from it? Additionally, has this ever happened to anyone else?
this has never happened to me... although i've heard of it. you had saved it a couple times before it vanished i would assume tho, hadn't you? i dont know... that sucks tho man. im looking forward to seeing this. all i can tell you is to just stay calm and remake what you had. don't rush it out of frustration. but 40%? thats quite a lot of map in my opinion if your doing a lot of merging and interlocking. tough luck man...
it was very clearly opening up and showing how wonderful it was gonna be. Like squashing a butterfly as its coming out of its cocoon. I tried taking a picture of it through the video i have saved... its not on bungie.
yes, it was becoming very impressive, and the analogy you made was very accurate i think. like i said ill check later if its back. but i speak for everyone when i say that that sucks. but like evan said, you need to take your time on this, dont go fast. the map will be a butterfly n the end. a butterfly that people will kill each other on.
NEWS UPDATE: it still wasnt there this morning when i looked... however, i looked at my memory in the dashboard, and low and behold, there it sits... "verte 01". Its still on my harddrive, yet doesnt appear when i load up halo 3. Figuring no way of fixing the problem, i started work on it again, and saved it as "verte 01" again... and once again... that file too is now gone... but both of them sit on my harddrive.
this has NEVER happened to me before. it might be your hard drive messing up or your xbox is just screwed
i would rename it if i could, but the only time the file is visible is on the dashboard when looking through my game files in Memory. when you turn on Halo 3, its like the map never existed, minus the video i have of it.
Is it the only map yours that's missing? If I start playing Halo before the Start/Continue Mission (something like that) highlights at the top of the Halo 3 main menu, I'll have randomly missing maps. Try that; wait until the top of the main menu lights up (it starts out a darker shade) and see if your map miraculously comes back. Good luck, dude.
nah, i knew that trick already... its actually LITERALLY the ONLY thing thats gone. everything else is there. i was yelling at it last night "WHY THAT ONE!? WHY OF ALL THE MAPS, THATS THE ONE YOU PICK!?" it seems remotely humorous now, but im still pissed. Back to the drawing board.
Crap. Well, maybe it means you'll just make it even better. Might want to save a codenamed backup on you fileshare next time in case it happens again.
Is it possible that the map was renamed by someone as a prank? Run through all of your maps just to make sure. I played offline one time while I was forging, and when I saved my map it dissapeared to the bottom of my list. It scared me for a second but I ended up finding it. Have you tried clearing your cache? That might clear up whatever bug you're having.
Did you say you had a video of the map saved or someting? If you watch the video the map will be up on "recent maps" i can vouchfor this,its how i got Pi five days before everyone else at the 1v1 tournament
Blaze told me a similar story... no such luck in this case actually. i watched the video like 5 times, and it never came up in the list. im the only one with access to my account, or even my xbox. i rarely leave the room its in, and when i do, the only other person in my house who knows how to use the xbox is my girlfriend, and shes with me if i leave. ive checked the list a million times... its goneeeeeeeeeeeeeee. this cache thing sounds promising.... how do i do this? detailed please, im retarded.
If you go to your dashboard, go the memory section on the far left blade. Select the hard drive and then while in that menu press Y, X, X, left bumper, right bumper, X, X and that should being up a blade asking if you want to do system maintenance, click yes and it will clear your cache for you. It may or may not work, but its worth a shot. [note]: You'll have to reinstall a small update by bungie before playing Halo again, it takes 10 seconds to download and install it again. Saved maps stay in tact.
that would be a no go. ill just rebuild it and hope for it to turn out as nice as it was the first time. damn you bungie.
no I meant the next time you make the map change its name I really don't want to get into that hacking stuff yet (my heads already spinning after I looked at the pokemon mystery dungeon wonder mail system) BTW keep a backup on your fileshare just name it something like a bunch of random letters so nobody will download it......