Long ago in a distant land; I, Aku, the Shapeshifting Master of Darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil. But a foolish samurai warrior, wielding a magic sword, stepped forth to oppose me... Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time and flung him into the future, where my evil is law. Now the fool seeks to return to the past, and undo the future that is Aku.
It made a mockery of everything dude, seriously, doesn't stop it being awesome. That show is an art form in itself, if you haven't seen episodes like 'Jack and the 4 seasons of death' and 'Jack and the X-9', then you haven't seen cartoons as they should be.
Its not like that anymore cuz i ran out of the trial but u can download the program and install skins here: Stardock.com - Your Edge In Software
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wow my computer sucks compared too all of yours but at least i might be getting a new one, how does windows 98 sound?