Team Fortress Created by ANGERMAX Supported Gametypes: Capture The Flag Map Description This map features two multi-level forts on each side, with a flag resting at the top of each fort. A bridge with a rocket launcher is in the center of the map, as well as a Mongoose on each side for quick but deadly transport. Each team starts in their own fort, and the mayhem begins! This is one of my most carefully crafted maps, it did take me 4-5 hours and a total of 3 sittings to complete 100%. I did not use interlocking at all (I didn't even know what interlocking was at the time). If you'd like, I have the CTF game variant (CTF Pro) that I always use with the map, it's in my file share. Enjoy! _________________________________________________ The Fortress View of the Mongoose location View of center bridge Up close view of Fortress _________________________________________________ Yes, I am aware there is no interlocking used on this map. So please don't remind me. Any other comments/compliments/criticism is welcome and appreciated. Download Team Fortress
Judging by your 4 posts I'm assuming this is your first map that you posted! Congrats that it fills the requirements. But more pics would be nice. From the pic it looks a little empty and needs interlocking. Please post some more pics so we can get a better idea of the map. I'm not sure if this is the problem but if it is: you must open up multiple tabs (or windows) to post multiple pics. Just in case this was the problem I said the sulution. I like the multiple floors idea BTW
Thanks for the kudos on my first map post The reason I did not post more pictures is because, well, they would all look the same.The other side of the map is a mirror image of what you see here. If more people request it, I guess I could go take more pics.
Is this map based on Team Fortress 2 from Orange Box?I wouldn't know 'cause I haven't played it yet.Just seemed familiar.Anyway nice map!Definatly does NOT need Interlocking.4/5
It's inspired by 2fort from the original Team Fortress, although it turned out nothing like it. The cake is a lie.
wow, only 5 hours, it takes me entire sit-ins to put in even one box cus i wanna glitch it in to the map geometry, but sometime a map doesn't need interlocking if every thing is the way it's suppose to be.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the point of this to download the map and try it out, and to give all of us a variety of maps to play? I don't know about you, but I can't tell if I like a map or not by looking at pictures of it. I thought pictures were just supposed to give you a general idea of what the map is about, and I think my picture does just that. Anyways, I added more pictures. Keep up the feedback, I appreciate it
There are no extra ammo clips in the Rocket Launcher, and I believe I set the spawn to 180 seconds. Besides, I usually stay back with the human Sniper and wait for the first person to walk toward that bridge, and the rest is history.
This map looks tight, i like it alot. Im gonna DL and see how it plays. But another thing is, is that people, seriously, shut up about interlocking. Interlocking doesnt mean $hit and i hate how everyone is like, nice map for no interlocking. To hell with interlocking, even though i do it on my maps. Now people all judge maps not by how they look altogether but whether their interlocked or not. Nice map, and i like how you didnt interlock because it doesnt need it. Def a DL for me. Keep up the good work and i look forward to your future posts.
For a map with no interlocking. It looks alright. Though I think more cover is needed (I'm sure someone has said this already though). Also, in your post it'd be a good idea to have a list of weapons/equipment in it. That way people have an idea what's on the map. From the pics. I can see a Rocket, trip mine, and a mongoose only. I can see another weapon, but I'm not too sure what it is (looks like an AR). But for the basic layout, I think it's pretty decent. Just add more cover and make a list of what's on the map (weapon/equipment wise).
Thanks, I'll definitely take that into consideration on my next project. Excellent feedback, that's exactly what I'm looking for.
No point repeating what everone else had said, but it could use some more cover. Interlocking isn't nessasary, but it is usefull in creating more cover and more visuals for your map. Keep up the good work. =)
Thanks for the feedback. I was thinking about adding more cover as I was building it, but I decided against it. Not having a lot of cover really forces you to depend on your team to get you across the map and up the other team's base, and I really wanted to make it a team-oriented map.