geez... I really feel bad for the kid because when He's older, he really will be like the villian/outcast just like from the Dark Night. Two face.
can she talk out of both mouths? if she could she could be like,I\ "i love this tv show" and, "can i have some food?" at the same time! i heard they are having a surgery on her... but it's a rumur... ummm... can she see out of all eyes? she could have more then 180 vision! if she turns her head she sees whats infront of her and behinde? and smell more then aythig eles? what if this is a super bread! it can see super well smell even better and taste and talk 2x more!
What I'm really curious about is does she have a multiconciousness, or is she one mind with two faces? If there are two seperate people sharing one body, who controls what? Or if she is just one person, how does she interprete visual data with 4 eyes? Will she have developemental problems? There are so many questions to be asked on a scientific level. Its so fascinating.
I was thinking all of those things after I saw her face. Like how well will she be able to learn. If her brain will be able to control all those parts of her body. I would really like to know. It's like a science experiment that you can't totally comprehend.
I wouldn't say she is an experiment. One, an experiment is something intentionally done, and this was just a genetic error. And two, calling someone an experiment is dergrating in some fashion. I'm curious to see a scientific report about her though. I'd read that. It'll be interesting to see how she and the world react with one another. Looking at her from a social stand point is intriguing as well.
crazy! i wonder how she sees the world through her eyes. her brain function everything. i wonder if they will ever get her parents to allow a scan
Well you can talk to yourself using one mouth, but I can imagine the conversations would be far mor engaging.