How long do you guys think it will take? And for those who still believe I photoshop my service record - : Bungie Online : Halo 3 Player Stats
haha nice dude...thats awesome i think for like 5 more games, and then u get cocky, and then u get like last or some crapola haha
Good luck im trying for my second one just now but people seem to be getting to good for me now firguring out my little jumps and shortcuts to get around levels.
Man i'm stuck on 42 and need to get to 45 to go up a rank .. I mean come on im a colonel grade 3! With 1450 odd exp!
you are not alone Mort, my friend has been at 48 for ever. I've literally seen him win 8 straight games without going up, then lose 1 and go down. I suggest you wage war on trueskill.
Yeah but this is my main account, I've got 2 other accounts (leuitenant and gunnery saregent) with 50's, but they're not my main =]
I'm stuck at 42 in Lone Wolf. It's annoying because I want to get 45 before I get 80 or so exp so I don't get a bar under my rank. Gah! So frustrating. Anyway, good luck.
I have to get a 50 before having 1000 EXP in order to achieve my goal of never having a noob bar throughout my Halo 3 career. Seeing as I have 454 EXP right now, a 45 in SWAT, 41s in Team Slayer and Lone Wolves, and a 32 in Doubles, I'd say that my goal is definitely reasonable and achievable. Plus, this is my main I'm talking about. I was one of the few people that didn't get boned by trueskill in the beginning due to the fact that I was actually GOOD at Halo 3 when it came out. xD I feel really sorry for the people that sucked cajones at Halo near the start and are now suffering the consequences.
If you did doubles constantly you would get a 50 (considering you win over 80% of your games) before getting 600 exp dude. I say do that, or just get the 50 in swat, it takes no skill though.
wow bungie better not do this trueskill **** in the next game or im gonna bust a nut! i can never win in ****ing lone wolves because i suck too much to get 3rd against other 45's and i went back to a ****ing 44. at least my 45 was legit and so it my katana but damn it FFA IS NOT ****ING FUN (YES EVAN FFA CUSTOMS SUCK) except fiesta and infection sometimes
The funny thing is, the reason I have such a bad win/loss ratio with the exp is because I had the Noob bar under my Brigadier and my brother kept joining and then quitting every social map he played. He did that for a lot of games.