this looks really cool i give it a 4/5 because the first drop looks like it would be impossible to land unless u go like 2 km an hour
yeah dude i have even done it without being on half the track i just like aired it edit:my keyboard is very dirty
Wow the first huge drop looks epic! I would dl but i have no room .. But it looks great and i will download when i delete some stuff ..
This looked really cool in the pictures but it really isn't. The interlocking varies from badly done to none. There's over 10 spots where you can fall off easily and there's some spots which are as hard as an obstacle course(I a actually think some spots are impossible). Worst of all the map doesn't even have an ending it just makes you go off the edge. The only cool thing about your map were the door dropoffs even though they don't even work. 1/5
What your not getting, is that its supposed to be hard, and your supposed to fall of the edge, its not just a rinky dinky , o look at me i completed the track in one try im so cool, its made to be challenging.
oh yeah thanks alot for telling me my map sucks when you didnt even know what the point of it is! maybe if you would of read it you wouldve understood what it was. and yes the whole thing is possible you think we would post a map that we cant even do ourselves. and no there is no interlocking which doesnt even matter because interlocking makes it EASIER!! ps:notice how your the only one with a bad review
Looks like a cool race track 5/5 because its on blackout. Best race map i have ever seen on blackout and the only one. I like the down curving slop good job. Keep Forging.
First of all, that first long drop makes me wanna raise my hands in the air, as if it were a roller coaster, I really like that idea, but that second "impossible" turn thingy, im not so sure i wanna drive on something that will end in my death ever so often. Also, the starting point seems to be a bit hectic, im guessing people just push each other off accidentally when they spawn on that teeny weeny spot. Feels like all the Mongooses are too clumped togheter.
the reason for the mongoose start is because the map is for 1-2 people, thank you for your input on my map. please forgive my badly written post im on my psp
That makes sence, its more of a casual racing map than competetive, amiright? and your post is fine good sir.