Its sweet. I would've classified it as classic if he wasnt holding an Assault Rifle. Still it is pretty awesome.
You right that does look pretty epic .. I love the lighting in the background .. However a better pose would made it better .. But still good job! =]
Your face makes no sense at all...owned. Battle Rifle would've made it that much cooler, but hey its still awesome.
yea im thinking the battle rifle would be abit more epic, but hey its still awesome. wait isnt this getting a bit redundant?
I luv the light and it would be so much more awesome if it wasn't an Ar- maybe a BR, or shotgun- that normally looks good in screens.
Man nice pic... It weird how all of the pics you take that I like have like a green outline around it... How do you do that?
I think it's an awesome pic, I really love the flat-emotional expression on this picture, it looks like he's lost in some kind of weird Alien world.
I have to agree with everyone taht a battle rifle would add to the epicness of this already epic shot. A shotgun might look good too.