LOCKs sig TUT [an in GIMP tutorial] Hey everyone, a lot of people have been asking how i make my sigs, so, i thought before i left i would make a guide. Hop you like it. Get the render i used HERE Get the brush set i used HERE STEP 1: First open up a blank document. I used my normal size of 700 x 200. [yeah i know, HUGE!] Add a new transparent layer by going to Layer>New Layer. [don't forget to to check Transparency] Now, add the render, and scale it to fit. STEP 2: Now set that layer to invisible. [This way we can see what we are doing more clearly.] Select the bottom layer [aka Background] Now use the brushes you just downloaded in this manor. STEP 3: Now set that layer to Gaussian blur at about 40. STEP 4: What you will have o do now is go to Filters>Noise>Pick. Max out all of the settings. STEP 5: Now make a new layer, and repeat step 2. Once you are done with that, go to Dialogs>Layers, and set the current layer to "Overlay". STEP 6: Now, make your render layer visible again. STEP 7:Now, make a new transparent layer, and set it to overlay. Use the brushes you have downloaded to brush over the render. Try only to use it in certain areas, like the arms, and back, but not to much on the face. [feel free to repeat this step 2 or 3 times to make it blend well. STEP 8: Make a new white layer above everything, and use you gradient tool to make white to black gradient. Then set that layer to overlay. STEP 9: Now, flatten the image, image>flatten. Now, just use the different color modifiers to give it your own look. I ended up with this STEP 10 Now, go to filters>artistic>soft glow. Depending on how much white you used, will depend on how much soft glow you use. I had it Glow Radius: 10 Brightness: .20 STEP 11 This step is optional. I usually use this effect on more abstract sigs, or simple sigs. Go to Filters>Blur>Selective Gaussian Blur. Set it to: Blur Radius: 3 Max. Delta: 20 This gives it kid of a painted feel, and i like it. STEP 12 The last thing you have to do is add you name. I just made a new layer, typed up my name in white text, and set the layer to overlay. STEP 13 Now, just got to Filters>Decor>Border, and add a 4 pixel border. And your done, i hope this helped. If you have any questions, just post here, or private message me. Oh, and post your results.
I might use this and show a result, but I'll just comment on the Tut. It's great because it will get alot of new people starting out strong. Also don't forget to mention not to do everything exactly so they all end up like the same thing. Thumbs up.
Awesome Lockdownn. This will probably be one of the most viewed and helpful threads in the graphics and arts section. The tutorial is great and very well explained. Its great that you added pictures too. You are gonna have unbelievable rep my friend.
thanks man, i know, if they try to do it exactly how i did it, it could turn out bad, that why i didn't always say exactly what to do.
Wow lock this tut is really great. Nice job. I knew some of this stuff already due to previous tutorials, but i definitely learned quite a bit of techniques from reading this. Thanks!
Lockdown. I can not make renders. I need a render really bad, so I can use this tutorial to make epic sigage
GIMP is Similar to PS and converting things should be quite easy, so you should give it a go. @Human Highlight; Use Planet Renders for endless amounts of already-rendered things. BTW That Mr-Kennedy one wouldn't go too well on a sig, I don't think...
Wow very good tut!! I would love a tut from you explaining wisps (if you know how too) .. You tuts are best to understand ! Good job! =]
Great tut, it would have been a lot better if you could have made the tut in photoshop, the sig is very nice but the typo is not fitting it in my opinion.
alright was bored tonight and decided i'd try your tut :] i got a little lost in the middle with the repeat step 2 thing transparent layer. but i found my way and got this:
Well, I tried this in Photoshop. As a result, the tut wasn't followed exactly. Photoshop doesn't have the soft glow or the selective gaussian blur. I just took the ideas and applied them to Photoshop. This is the result.