I started making it as a project for my Open GL class. You can download a runme folder of the project I turned in over there RunMe.zip - Halo 3, forge, foundry, 3D, program, designer, application, map - Dedicated Web Hosting Service which contains all the textures, the exe and the write up for the project. All this version(the proof of concept) has is camera movement you can not actually place or manipulate any objects because again this isn't the latest version I have. I have worked on it a little since I turned it in, with the only difference being that I added the ability to move, rotate, and change the type of one and only one object. A few things to let you guys know, I made it with MLG in mind in that The amount of space you have is about the size of the large area with the two standard "base" areas walled off. I also have to warn you that the walls of the actual geometry that you can not alter and are just a bunch of wall pieces tiled together and the ceiling is a crappy "reflection" of the whole level. The floor is pretty accurate other than the lighter, boarder tiles being too big. I hope you guys can see the beauty of having something like this for rapid prototyping of our Forge ideas. BTW it was inspired by the Foundry Designer with which I used to design the map that I made for both the class project and Halo 3. Here's a list of features that you can expect from the first official version and beyond. What to expect from version 1.0 - Object management and manipulation - Saving/Loading: I will use text files as my format for easy to manually alter save files. All save file versions will be fully backwards compatible. - Additional selective Forge pieces/objects (Bridge, Signs, Fence Walls, etc.). - Budget Tracking - Items Indicators: Weapons and such will be represented with a marker, and a simply modeled and roughly to scale piece of geometry. Features that might be in version 1.0: - Object Specific Auto Symmetry: Auto mirroring and origin rotation duplication options. - Multiple Canvases (with the ability to copy objects to the other canvases, a wide variety of saving and loading options, and each with a "Keep Loaded" / "Instant Switch To" check box) - A global Recycling Bin and a Recycling Bin for each canvas for that added security. - Some of the maps I've already made in Forge as preset/example map designs. Features you can expect in the future: - A "how I would have done Forge" mode, with Xbox 360 controller support. - Binary file saving format. For various reasons. - Sandbox Mode: Allows you to do things such as modify the size of the play field. - Support for skinning. - Funboxes: Object grouping basically with a funbox palette and funbox manipulation mode (with its own saving and loading). - Foundry (and potentially other Halo 3 maps) modeled very crudely (read on to see how you guys can do this yourselves). - Object Pickings: Selecting objects from the scene with the mouse. - Modeled Monitor: For potential reflections and multi-player. - Improved Item Models: The simple models of items will be updated and upgraded. - Some sort of random object placement mode for inspiration and to utilize everyone's collective luck factor. Features less likely to happen: - Scripted Objects w/ Object Making Mode: Make your own Forge objects or this same idea can be reworked to make map geometry(the latter is highly likely to happen). OR Support for importing models from Maya and/or 3D Studio Max. + Various Networking Features such as: - Cooperative Mode w/ user privileges options (Not just "host only" or "all players") - Map design, custom object and funbox sharing - Tournament mode with voting: Voting will be done by each player ranking each map and letting the computer determine the final rank of each map by taking into account auxiliary ranks. - Theater Mode and Film Saving and Loading (Take your own screen shots) - Particles (for the heck of it) Some of these I came up with as I was making the list. All of which I can currently or will be able to implement myself by the time I'm done with Full Sail.
Wow sounds great! CAnt wait til u get it more refined and with placeable objects +rep for u sir EDIT: wow very nice, great job on textures. it looks just like forge
Wow that's amazing. I can't wait for the editable version. Also, the textures are great. But, I don't get the whole "reflection thing" though. And the barriers seem a little short.
May I be so inclined to request the source code for this? And yes, good work. We were trying to work with SketchUp before, but the people working on it never got around to finishing the project. Edit: No bumpmaps?
The reflection As part of the project we had to use rendering techniques and the like so what I did was do a lazy man's reflection by simply rerendering everything inverted on the y-axis. It looks a lot better if you reflect it off the ground. Not sure what I'll do for the "official" versions.
Code and bump mapping. I'll include the source code when its not just a proof of concept. As for bumpmaps, if you make them I'll learn to use them... eventually.
I've had a little expertise in working with bumpmaps, so I'll see if I can make you some from those textures.
i dndl it. i started it but it is very confusing. could you give directions? also can't wait for v2 with object pickups! it will be great!!
This looks great. But can it work on macs? Info would be nice. EDIT: w00t now i'm a cavalier!!!! 3pic
Awesome all the way. It's like a Forge away from Forge! this would be great for people that can't freely use forge. p.s. Where do you take your class at?
RE: bluepenguin23 There's directions in the write up text file that comes with it. I'll have very primitive pickup indicators in the early versions. I'll model out the people when I don't have to hand place every vertix and can use actual models. Which will be in a few months.
macs Don't think it'll work on macs seeing as its a Win32 app. Since I'll be releasing the source code it shouldn't be too difficult for someone to port it to macs. I will definitely code it for expandability and portability now that you've brought that up to my attention.
the class I currently attend Full Sail University and I am a little over half way through their program there. Due to the school's crazy schedule I don't have much time to work on side projects such as this.
I have a better idea. And I've decided to pursue that one. But also there's the potential that Bungie's gonna make my designer not needed as much. So sorry to all the people who got their hopes up. But with any luck I'll be able to fast track the development of the designer with the money that my current idea will generate. Oh and if you'd ask me, I would say that ALL of you would rather I work on what I am now working on instead of the designer.
Throwing down the gauntlet. In short, a web 3.0 website. I jokingly call it a web 42.0 website. The sheer amount of ideas I have for it makes it hard for me to gauge off the top of my head just how many there are. Do not think they are just a bunch of mediocre ideas forged together, just take a look at the ideas I have for the forge designer and realize how robust, convenient, and FREE it would be. Here are two nonspecific and more general ideas I have for the site. One that's short but sweet and one that's not complete. Reduce ads based on the amount a user contributes and participates, more so the former. Another idea is to make it like a _____ in that, at least at first, it will only be _____ to utilize it to its full potential through a _____, much like an MMO _____. So obviously this will be the best and maybe even preferred _____ of _____ the site. Oh and we are also pretty much making a dedicated browser for it. That is just how epic it is.
Regardless of what you're working on, try to actually do it. I know that when you're doing things, you can get excited and make big aims, but then you can get off track easily.