[v2][Download]UPDATES *Defender's power weapons now have longer re-spawn times *Attacker's weapons have shorter re-spawn times *Defender's vehicles have much longer re-spawn times *Mancannon has been re-angled to create a 3rd entry point for the attackers *Shield door added to D-base entrance to eliminate camping the grav. lift * Added new gametype thats works well with map try it HERE Hello again forgers! My last few maps that I have published have been asymmetrical/symmetrical slayer aesthetic maps. They were fun to make but I have decided to come back to my forte, which is, large scale One Flag maps. Tortuga Tower is a fantastic One Flag map that is well made and very aesthetically pleasing, but the thing that separates it from other visual maps is that it is so playable. The gameplay on this map is the key point. The large defender's tower has many power weapons present, making a flag cap. very difficult for attackers. This makes the attackers work together and use thier resources. The attackers base is located on the edge of the map facing the defenders tower. The base is partially hanging off the edge. The base is very intricate and multi-dimensional. Attackers have two vehicles, a Hornet and a Mongoose, both to be used for flag advances. There are 3 main entrances into the Defenders base. #1: series of ramps that lead from base of the Tower to the first level. #2: Man Cannon near the attacker's cover. #3: Teleporter in side room that leads to attackers second story. Weapons Battle Rifle x 7 Carbine x 2 Rockets x 1 Splaser x 2 Sniper Rifle x 1 Beam Rifle x 1 Mauler x 2 Brute Shot x 1 Equipment Grenades - ? a lot Bubble Shield x 2 Power Drain x 1 Trip Mine x 1 Regen x 1 Camo x 1 Vehicles Mongoose x 1 Ghost x 1 Hornet x 2 [EDIT] I forgot to tell you all. On the first level(story) of the Defender's base there is a little hole smack dab in the middle. Throw a nade down that hole and it will blow up 3 fusion coils at the entrance to the base. :] I hope you all enjoy this map as much as I enjoyed making it, and with that said; Here are the pictures. VISUALS Overview: Mostly defenders, but attackers base can be seen. Defenders Base Overview Attackers base: side view Attckers base: frontal view Bottom level of attackers base Defender's Flag spawn 1st and main floor of the Defenders base Flag Spawn, alternate view Defender's Tower: highest point. Defender's Tower: Mid level/ Rocket Spawn Attacker's cover: Mid map Teleporter to defender's base + more cover IN ACTION SPECIAL THANKS TO Lockdown RTLbeans Shatakai Thank you all for viewing. Don't forget to comment and rate. Also comment and rate on Bungie.net if you'd be so kind. PEACE
Ah, sweet. I was wondering if you were ever going to post this. I never got to actually play on the map but from what I saw in forge it's awesome forge-wise. I would DL but my xbox is broken . O well, great job anyway
This looks like alot of fun to play on, all the interlocking is nice, and the tower is made smoothly, just like the gameplay will go. Too bad i cant play it yet, i dont have the Legendary map pack :'( 6/5
Thank you Vesph the main focus was gameplay so i'm glad you mentioned that. Thank you sir, if I could afford it I would throw in your hooker... sorry
This is the next Coldfront man! I can't believe you were able to make this. The pictures make it look amazing. Didn't think anybody would be able to match what Coldfront did with Avalanche but this looks great!
it looks great and original, but what stops some1 from just walking away from those main structures/the playing area?
Wow you did an excellant job of showing off what Avalanche has to offer in forge! The towers look amazingly detailed! Great interlocking too. This must have taken alot more skillz than any map on foundry! Once again I love this map! Great shapes and figures and great origonality. Can't wait to play it!
THIS! Is what I've been looknig for ever since this map came out. I tried to do the same thing but it's too hard. This is a def DL for me and I give you a 10/10.
This looks absolutely phenomenal. I MUST check this out NAO! I even see a tiny bit of Coldfront in there (me likey) lol. Im really digging the use of the Hornet. I'm really curious to see how this baby plays. Ill definitely be back after I give it a go. Great job!
This map looks freakin amazing. The aesthetics, in my opinion, make it featurable, but I need to test it. you have my DL sir.
Thank you LIGHTS. as a matter of fact, your map played a big role in the making of this one. I didn't take any ideas from it but after I played Coldfront I said to myself, "I have got to use Avalanche for something like this. So thank you for your feedback and thanks for Coldfront. Thanks for the great feedback BlueDevil. I really appreciate it. I'm glad you like the map and i'm glad you noticed the detail. Well Jump4h. I put a lot of thought into this as a matter of fact. There is nothing stopping people from wandering. BUT, going to the other side wouldn't do either team any good. It is just there. I playtested this quite a few times and there was not a single problem with this. There is actually a benefit to this also. If attackers are being pressed down to much they can choose to go through the man-cannon cave which will bring them out behind the defenders. I had to choose whether I wanted more supplies for the bases or to block it off. More supplies was more logical.
fair enough, spaghetti i suppose it would work very well in practice i was just thinking worst possible scenario where a whole team hides
This map looks ridiculous. Ridiculous in a good way that is. Judging by the pics I have to tell you that this is the first map on Avalanche I have said "wow" to since Coldfront. The design and execution of this map looks flawless. The forging techniques are well utilized, and it actually looks fun! I need to download this. Scratch that, I AM downloading this. Good job man. Edit: Also, thank you for creating a good looking competitive map outside of Foundry.
looks great, i can see myself jumping off the defenders highest point with the flag and landing on the hornet to score the game winning point
Thanks man. I am like blown away that you are comparing this to coldfront. I really appreciate it. Thanks for the download too. Lol. yeah i can imagine that scenario too. thak you very much for that though Jump4h, I knew some1 would ask that and I was waiting to adress it. thanks.