The Question mark challenge

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Silent oo death, Jul 29, 2008.

  1. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    AKA "the ? challenge". This is my puzzle map. This map has 9-10 challenges in it, depending how you look at it. My last puzzle map, Ninja IQ Test was based off well know glitches used in slightly devious ways. This map however takes all of those glitches, takes like two of them, and combines them in ways that are completely unique. (If you have seen one of the tricks before, I have not)

    The Gametype needs swords instead of ARs to make gameplay more smooth.
    Swords are needed
    Those are fence walls for a reason
    Shooting range!
    Not another one =(
    That's to high to jump with a gravlift
    More than one puzzle here
    The shoot 'n' slide (the wall cuts in to slow descent)
    Can anyone say boom? (this pic and the one above are not affiliated. I skipped a room as to not give away the answear)
    Please don't leap with faith; leap with skill
    The overview (in case you missed it the first time)

    Have fun.
    P.S. send me the video of you originally beating the course when you finish. (reference for the skill level)
    Download map here
    Download gametype here

    Here's the walkthrough--Don't watch unless you're really stuck.
    #1 Silent oo death, Jul 29, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2008
    gobbles likes this.
  2. Pwner Trainie

    Pwner Trainie Ancient
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    looks like a challange
  3. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    this looks like a really fun map, but it looks just a little sloppy. i like the floating objects though! this puzzle map looks pretty hard ;)
  4. Hertz381

    Hertz381 Ancient
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    looks chalenging 4.5/5 nice job but i think maybey you should of put a tutorial of you going through it in forge to show the path incase people get lost.
  5. AgileDan92

    AgileDan92 Ancient
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    I am a fan of puzzle maps. And I will definitely DL this and give it a try.
  6. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    People that ask for tutorials are silly. It's a puzzle, the whole point is to work it out yourself! If you can't do it then you're just not good at puzzles, period.

    It would be like playing Sudoku and having the answer given to you, what would be the point in playing it?

    Anyhoo it looks like it might be challenging. I just hope there isn't a load of "Find X behind wall"
  7. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    Nah there is zip of that. Also I really admire all of the work you do buddhacrane so i good complement from you is like a compliment from the god of forging puzzle maps. For the peeps that can't complete my map--I might post a walkthrough on youtube; but you have to find it first. HAhahhahahahahah. lolz
  8. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    Wow i'll try this later ..
    You should post a solution vid or screenshot ..
    Just so people dont get to annoyed .. aka me =]
    Great job!
  9. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    well this certainly was well thought out. it was a good idea and i love puzzle maps. I'd perfer if people would use their talents on other sorts of maps, but this is a solid, well-though out puzzle map.
  10. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    ok the vid's up from youtube. I hope that you try the map before you watch the video. Is it not working? I can't see it but it was working earlier.
  11. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    As promised I have returned.

    I've completed it, naturally. I liked the first puzzle, I hadn't seen that before. There was a nice variety to the puzzles, simple yet effective. You definately have puzzle-making talent.

    Now, the problem...

    Oh grav grav gravvy lifts. Whenever you put grav lifts in your puzzle maps you have to be very very careful. I almost always break puzzle maps because of grav lifts and this one is no exception. When you pick up the grav lift, you can throw it down, go back and get another grav lift, and go to the next area with an extra grav lift. So I did and I skipped out half the puzzle map.

    There are three ways to fix or handle that kind've situation. One is to make it so that you need to use the same grav lift twice to solve the puzzle, another is to make it so that you need to carry the grav lift to the next room to do the next puzzle, and the other is to make the grav lift respawn time above 45 seconds so that another grav lift won't respawn until the previous one has died out. (For that last one you have to make sure the run-time minimum is set to 0 and the run-time maximum is set to the number that are on the map)

    Anyhoo here's the vid of me completing/breaking the map. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

    But keep it up, just be wary of the importance of testing. No point making fantasticly amazing puzzles and then people just skipping them all because they found a way out of the map. Making a puzzle map unbreakable is the hardest job of all, I spend weeks testing my puzzle maps and people have still found the odd break.
  12. Dunkeldragon15

    Dunkeldragon15 Ancient
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    looks like this will be a challenge for everyone. This is well put together and well thought out. Nice job 4.5/5
  13. golfmeRad

    golfmeRad Ancient
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    here we go again :)
  14. Tully13

    Tully13 Ancient
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    5/5 4 best puzzle map ive seen ignor minor problems nobody is perfect its gr8 if u wrk it out n play it thru rite
    gd job m8
  15. Brain Hacker

    Brain Hacker Ancient
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    looks good better than most puzzple but srry no dl cuz i H8! puzzle maps give me headaches.....
  16. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    thanks guys for the support. = ) this is my best one so far, not saying that I'm making another one, I might, so I'm glad you appreciate it. Puzzles are almost more tedious to make because you have to try it mltiple times yourself to make sure that it actually works. lol.
  17. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    this seems like a wierd puzzle map. I would normally think this was made by buddha crane but it is not. 5/5
  18. NuclearNinja142

    NuclearNinja142 Ancient
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    I cant' figure out what to do after you get the grav lift, and the room with 2 puzzles is just baffling?
    any help?
  19. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    yah nuclear at the bottom of my post is a walkthru for you so that you don't have to figure it out yourself.
  20. dennis1895

    dennis1895 Ancient
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    i didn't have enough patience to complete the last part well because i fall much times and then i got sick of it

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