I've been asking myself this for a while... Is God real? That is the big question. If God is not real then you can play by whatever rules you like. But if God is real then it is a whole new ballgame. It is interesting to note that the vast majority of people do believe that there is a God. George Barna, who makes a living by asking people questions like this, found that three out of four adults think that there is a God. Ask four friends and check it out for yourself. Of course the reality of God cannot be settled by majority vote. How can we know if God is real? Wouldn't it be nice if we could pick up the telephone and give him a call? Or drive by his house just to see if his car was in the driveway? Fortunately, there are better ways to address this question. Consider this perspective: since God is infinite and we are finite, if God wanted to make himself known he would have to make his presence clear. So, are there any signs that point to the reality of God? Winfried Corduan put it this way, "...we can look at the world and see if the world is constructed in such a way that it is reasonable to believe that there must be a God." Just as the hunter follows the trail of an animal that he has yet to see -- paw prints, clumps of fur, broken branches -- we are looking for the fingerprint of God in the physical world. Various signs (lines of reasoning) have been suggested over the last few centuries. Let us briefly consider three. First, the world seems to work according to the universal law of cause and effect. That is, every observable effect must have had an initial "push" by some agent or cause. Every "thing" (a highly scientific term) that we observe is dependent upon other "things" for its existence. For example, children are dependent on parents and the earth is dependent on the sun. Thinking all the way back to the first event, it could be asked, who was the cause? This is where it appears that there must be a being that is "uncaused." Philosophers like to call this a necessary being. Could that be God? A second sign that should be considered is what scientists today are calling the marks of Intelligent Design. The suggestion is that the universe exhibits purpose, design, and intent. This is not a new idea; William Paley suggested that if you were walking through a field and found a watch on the ground that you would recognize it as a piece of machinery that had purpose and did not simply grow in the forest like plants and trees. A rational conclusion would be that someone intentionally built the watch. The universe is infinitely more complex than a watch and as a result points that much more to an intelligent designer. A third mark has to do with the moral foundation of the universe. C. S. Lewis referred to this as the "law of human nature." This is not to say that people everywhere are in agreement on all moral values, but that everyone does tend to live by certain common moral principles. For example, people and cultures have different ideas about when it is appropriate to take another person's life, but no one (that would be considered sane) would hold that indiscriminate cold-blooded murder for no reason would be appropriate. It appears that humanity has been intentionally created with an internal moral compass. All three of these marks appeal to our common sense and fit observations that can be made about the world. Everyone may not be completely convinced by this reasoning, but it seems to make more sense to believe that God is real than that he is not. If that is true, then maybe there are other things that can be known about God. Why don't you try to pick up the trail and see where it leads? For six concrete reasons why God exists, please see: Is There a God?
Let me start off by saying that if anybody flames me for my reply; it just shows that you are an immature person that cannot respect others' opinions. If you do not agree with my opinion, just simply ignore it. Thank you for understanding. So here is my opinion on God. I do believe there is something 'out there' that did create the Universe; but it is not human, nor a 'thing'. I believe "God" is just a mass of energy or even more than energy; a mass of something. I try not to think about these questions and topics about religion or super-natural beings like God because I believe that is why I do not live for. In terms of good and evil, I believe there is Karma. I am a big science person but even I believe that emotions and the good of people are not defined by science. That is defined by Karma. People that believe in Karma just believe in "What goes around, comes around". I believe in more than that, I believe that is how there is good in the people, and there is bad in the people. There is a reason behind the good in people, and the emotions that Human-beings have, but different people believe in different reasons for this... Anyways, that is all I have to say for now, I might add more if it is necessary.
I'll get it moved, but Mikey, you have a good idea. I dont know what to think when it comes to religion, i myself am not to fond of the whole "god" thing mainly because of reynbow, and as soon as i get this moved to the debate section i will edit the post with some words from a friend
No....he's really not. To me anyways. When you die you go to a place of what you believe in. I believe I will die and be blessed with the knowledge I have today, and build on that instead of starting from scratch. And be famous. With lots of money, and power. And sex. And drugs that don't cause harmful affects to my body. Lots of alcohol as well. It's all in what you believe.
Of course he doesn't. Don't tell any of the christian folk though, they seem really attached to their mass delusion.
Historical Figures I'll let historical figures do my talking for me: "The Bible is not my book nor Christianity my profession. I could never give assent to the long, complicated statements of Christian dogma." - Abraham Lincoln, American president (1809-1865). "I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religion than it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it." "I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own -- a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism." "I do not believe in the immortality of the individual, and I consider ethics to be an exclusively human concern with no superhuman authority behind it." "If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for a reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed." -Albert Einstein, German-born American physicist "Religion is all bunk." "I cannot believe in the immortality of the soul.... No, all this talk of an existence for us, as individuals, beyond the grave is wrong. It is born of our tenacity of life – our desire to go on living … our dread of coming to an end." - Thomas Edison, American inventor (1847-1931). "Neither in my private life nor in my writings, have I ever made a secret of being an out-and-out unbeliever. " "Religion is comparable to a childhood neurosis." "The whole thing is so patently infantile, so foreign to reality, that to anyone with a friendly attitude to humanity it is painful to think that the great majority of mortals will never be able to rise above this view of life." -Sigmund Freud, Austrian physician and pioneer psychoanalyst (1856-1939). "All thinking men are atheists." - Ernest Hemingway, American author (1899-1961).
Not as much a physical figure as much as it is a creation of our complex minds, much like how a placebo works. If you really think it works then it will. It/He/She is an/a figure of our minds in an alternate reality
Umm, what do I think about God.... Well, clearly there's something out there. I don't think like, anything could ever have started before that. And don't come to me saying: ''Oh! The Big Bang did it! *Snort* '' How did the particles and everything for the Big Bang to happen ever come to exist...? Yeah, it should.
This was written by Reynbows brother. Jesus By my good Friend Reynbow. "Does God save the millions of people that die each year? Does the "saviour", of so many, do anything other then infect people with lost hope? This being everyone depends on so much has not once shown his face. He has not once spoken to a single being upon this Earth. We are organic. Everything that grows and breathes on this planet, is organic. We evolve, we do not get created by some mythical creature living and dwelling within the clouds. God is just as much a myth as any other children's book telling of tales and creatures that lurk in the night. This image of freedom and life after death is all but a dream. Those that follow this path will only lead themselves into the true valley of the dead. Their nightmares and dependence on something they so strongly believe in will inevitably destroy them in the end. This path should not be followed for it has no other end but disease and infection of ones mind. God will never, and has never existed. Only in others minds will he live. Hope and Faith is only but a dream, where yellow butterflies flutter and the doors to the Other World ceases to exist. A dream where every door you try and open, every time you try and find that specific key, there is no answer but non-existence. There is no answer but self-pity for the life you've lived. For the lie you've so strongly held onto. For everything that you stood for, slowly falling from grip. The door for those that are lost, is glued shut. Nailed shut with the others that were lost along the way, slowly dipping their entirety within the cup of Jesus. Those that are lost, have only themselves to blame." -Alex Beecham
The most brilliant post ive ever seen. im a strong christian, and im happy that you gave these facts and not just say things about how you think theres no god but you really just "hope" there isnt. there is no place where you go because of whatever you believe in, if thats the way it happened, who would take you there? would you just appear there? no. if there is a god(and there is) hes much greater, much GRANDER than we are, and if he took you to a place where you wanted to go, even though you didnt believe in Him, that would mean hed be our servents, hes not a servent. by believing hes a just and loving ruler, he will lead you to salvation. and if you think hes some "intelegent Mass" floating in space, then im sorry, but your not on the right track. your believing what you want to believe because you know youve messed up, and you want to believe that no one will ever forgive you, but HE does, he forgives you and litterally has no memory of what youve done wrong. if youre curious about religion go to Welcome to the Hospital Church ... Celebration Fellowship in Fort Worth, Texas. This is one of the best preachers ive ever heard, and hes right on target. I cant explain it, but all i know is, i was blind, but now i see. its good your thinking.
i believe there is no god also that it is silly but ill let the people have there ideas its silly because if god does exist where did he come from? and don't just be like some people that try to convert me and say "He's been around forever" nothings been around forever everything has had to start somewhere god couldn't have just appeared and been like POOF! I CREATED LIFE! no you can't do that y can't you do that? because ideas can't make stuff
Lol...WTF are you even talking about? It's your own beliefs/opinions...unless you want a "citation" from me..lol..well here it is... "God is bullshit." (jpitty 07/30) ...oh and did i use my citations correctly? Please, PLEASE let me know, because I realy care. The bible was created many years ago because fools were acting up. Make the people believe in something and threaten to take it away, and all of a sudden you have order. Crazy idea I know.
wait, your not mad at me are you? i cant tell but if you are, please dont go off on this thread and send me a PM, =D
ummm. read my name. DUH! honestly tho. no1 knows... but there HAS TO be a creator. if you say we evolved from mulicules then whered they come from? other 1s? whered those 1s come fom.. ya.. but if theres a creator whered it come from.. no1 will ever honestly know