Project Z

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Tex, Jul 27, 2008.

  1. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    'hey dumby'? dont correct me in that way, pardon me shadow viper congrats to you and tex on a great map.
  2. Hoff

    Hoff Ancient
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    Sneaky linubidix. And you thought I didn't see that? LOL
    The map looks good, and looks like it would play nice. I can't really see the Z right now, but I'm sure I will be able to see it in a forgethrough. The star shaped pillars are a nice addition, as well as the changes in asymmetric to symmetric games.
    I agree with linubidix, and rated the map a 5/5 as well as downloading it. Good job Tex.

    Senior Member

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    Very excited to check this one out, Tex/Shadow. Looks really good from the pics, and I love Kentucky Tango very much. I have it queued, and will most definitely be back with more comments after i get some action (bow chicka bow wow) on it.
  4. Jump4h

    Jump4h Ancient
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    this is a stunning map
    it has it's own look and feel unlike anything else i've seen (i like the starred/crossed vertical boxes theme going on)
    i'm queueing this right now, it looks absolutely amazing.
    good job!
    i'm pretty sure this will be featured
  5. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Damn you all!!! There is so much to reply to!!! (This was about half way through all this...)

    First off, I would like to let everyone here know, there is now a film of Project Z up: view in better quality, click here

    I don't think I'll leave loyal status, premium is for the people who are good at Shad0w...

    As for your contest...It was a great kickstart to Project Z. I wouldn't have merged all the floor without it being a competition...(maybe I would have, but there is no telling...)

    Thanks for such a great first post Dom. <3

    Hear that everyone? Grade A. That's like...Better then Grade B or something...

    Lol, but seriously, I didn't pay him for that message, he meant it!!! Honest!!!

    Thanks Paulie, though, a map thread is not the place for arguments. Thank you Chips for taking it to visitor messaging. I love how people are finally noticing shad0w though, that means a lot to both me and him. (I'm not being a sarcastic prick, there are a few posts here that recognize The ABCrew as a whole not just Tex...(, 3rd person...creepy...)

    Lastly, I would like to say, I appreciate your first response Paulie.

    Project P has a long way down the road, we plan to pop out O & R for SUXORZ before any other letters. =/

    This was definitely one of our best though, it is intriguingly coming close to my favorite (hard to do, as X was epic for gameplay...)

    You played it with chips & shad0w?!??!!?!!?!?!!?

    lol jk they told me later.

    An asymmetrical symmetrical map, I think the first ever done?


    Glad to see someone read that 2000th post. lol...

    It's an asymmetrical Z ;D

    I don't know, I think Cosmic perfected it...We just threw some bridges in it...


    Thanks for the comment though, I hope to see shad0w in brown-ish red...


    You fit your premium status beautifully. That is a great example of a post, and your color can hopefully inspire other members to post the same way.

    As for the whole "can't tell where they will come from next thing." You coulndn't be any more correct, during gameplay, it was so intense, not knowing where my enemy would strike next...Kinda freaky, but made it that much more fun.

    Z and S are polar opposites, S having crappy gameplay, being made for 2v2/1v1, and extremely small, and indoors, where as Z has well-rounded gameplay, made for 3v3/4v4, huge, and has an outdoorsish feel...

    As for part of the Z, please click my sig to learn about The ABCrew...

    The double box/bridge/single box thing goes to Shad0w, he made it all on his own, that inovative little bastard...Isn't it beautiful though? I thoroughly enjoy it's aesthetics...

    As for the wall corner bridge, it was 100% intended to be the way it is. You walk over it completely smoothly. crooked or not. (gameplay > aesthetics sometimes...)

    This is almost the best...I am having a hard time thinking whether or not S, X, or Z is the best now...

    More then likely it was the best gameplay until Z...but now...Z is out...I don't know!!!

    Holy balls...

    I have a huge quotemonster going on, then I come to yours...You son of a *****...There were other posts that were ridiculously long...but cmon...

    I thoroughly enjoy the seperate columns aswell. I didn't really think much of them when they were being put into effect, but they really do add to the maps geometry...

    I like that whole "urban" comment...Where you get that "uneasiness"


    Good luck breaking the map...There literally is no way out at this moment in time, and if you get on the crane, the large "Tango", or some ledge, that doesn't matter, we would have blocked you from it if we cared. So =P

    I know, it's crazy we released another map!!!


    P.S. There is no "Z(v2)" ever planned in mind. We haven't gone back on a map, BUT we do plan on SUXORZ, so no worries. Let me know what you think after a playthrough.

    "Anything that starts with "Project..." is gonna be marked as good from now on..."

    That was ****ing beautiful. Thank you good sir.

    I personally know the interlocking isn't perfect, but it's not horrible either...Thanks for the comment about The ABCrew.

    ewwwwww, you our map thread....ewwwwww...

    Nasty...Anyways, NO we refuse to stop making maps. Good or bad.

    The blowing away won't happen til you're having a stalemate in a multi-flag match.

    (Woah, that was so thinking highly of myself(ourselves).)

    Pwnt. =P

    The corner wall is supposed to be like that you silly-head...Makes for smooth gameplay.

    You mean 6 for me, and 4 for viper shad0w right?

    =D <3 shad0w jk jk jk

    I clicked the colors, they couldn't be anymore beautiful...(Except the "sexi" one...)I especially liked the "epic" one. <3

    Thanks for such a time-consumed post, it means more then you think.

    I'm so disappointed linou..

    LOL jaykay, you're such a sneaky bastard...=P

    As for the switch, it's a little switch, but it makes all the difference in asymmetrical games.

    "next time won't you sing with me" eh?

    I don't know if I can even wait to finish the alphabet, that is such a good idea!!!


    Your post is so nice SHEDO, I appreciate every word of it. I am sure Shad0w does aswell.

    Naming the next one? Either O or R...Looking to get SUXORZ out.

    Enjoy ;D

    Ya, Tango was a huge inspiration to us. <3 Rick.

    Oh, you too with the ninja text eh???

    I'ma have to smack someone >.<


    Thanks LIGHTS, can't wait to see your response.

    Thanks Jump, a feature seems to be what people are calling for, but that is not up to me, or you, or the public to determine really...That is all up to good ol' grave/matty/Ivory/Kap...Spam their PM box's with messages saying "PROJECT Z CAN HAZ FEETURE PL0X?"

    I'm sure we'll get it then.



    The below 6 quotes are so close to spam...but I can't put them in the list of quotes below it.

    No, you can't, not being a ****, but we made it untouchable to edit. Harharhar.

    Actually, yes O & R are planned...

    Mega-Uber Awesome Guy? That is a rank???

    I must haz it.


    The above 6 quotes are so close to spam...but I can't put them in the below list of quotes...

    Seriously...Put some depth into your post...You could be
    negrepped/reported/warned/infracted for posts like these. Just trying to help. I see 7 (that is s.e.v.e.n.) spam posts. You're all lucky I don't report you myself.

    I appreciate your thoughts, but it is comments like these that make us look like I do not care to have happen.

    Senior Member

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    holy mother of epic long posts batman! seriously, wowzers. i had to page down 17 times. NEW RECORD! Just for that, Im gonna turn the box on and check this out right f-in now lol
  7. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    100 million bonus points for your choice in music for your video. i LOOOOOVE that movie.
  8. evan12075

    evan12075 Ancient
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    Got to play a game of team slayer on this today... and so far no gameplay issues. i loved your weapon choice. the sentinel beam is my favorite weapon and i was pure pwnage with it XD. but anyway, my favorite part of the map has to be where the power drain spawns, when battles carried over there, it was a real thrill with the multi level madness and i found myself getting a stick from above... then the guy above me came down and got some payback. another structure i loved was that little slit with the walls... i cant really explain where it is but im sure you know what im talking about. i didnt really get to use that slit but i bet it would be a great structure to use in obbjective games, especially one sided games. i haven't experienced ANY spawn issues yet, but i'll be playing a couple more games on it and see if i can come across anything. the geomerging is fantastic, everything is merged to prevent grenade tapping and it gives a clean looked, it shows some dedication that you want to make the map perfect. There was only one thing i was disappointed with aesthetically... that turret structure made with the corner walls... i dont know if it was a crooked geomerge or interlocking, or if you meant to make it crooked like that. oh well, i was very pleased with how the map played, now i gotta DL abc flags (cus i never played it on the other project maps *gasp* =O) and i'll get some more feedback after playing a couple different games.
  9. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I usually don't respond so quickly, but I have to reply to evan's post...

    Thanks lights...Though, for Shad0w it was 19, and me 12 times...weird...(obviously something to do with monitor sizes?) Anyways, I hope you enjoy...

    Summer Overture ftfw (Not a typo)

    Glad you enjoyed the map overall, though, I really want to stress that the crooked corner walls, although crooked, serve a purpose...actually, 3 purposes...

    A) Smooth walkway

    B) 3 points of cover

    C) Not a ****ing standard boxy look...ewwww boxy look...

    Great post though!

    Just try using paragraphs from now on ;D
    evan12075 likes this.
  10. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    Unbelieveable. This map is literally the best Forge map I have EVER seen. The star pattern looks amazing, the flow of the map is incredible, everything is so neatly done and its all perfectly aligned. This is a masterpiece, and a must-download for everyone. 10/10. I wish my maps were even one fifth as good as this one is.
    #50 KratosAurion777, Jul 28, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2008
  11. Shedo

    Shedo Ancient
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    Seriously the most i have ever posted on the forgehub. This map needed me to post super huge eh?
  12. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    another map by Tex! I like how you are going with the theme of Project __, this map is another great creation by the ABCrew! I really enjoy how you put the big towers into the map, I have been noticing how much a ceiling or pillars really add to a map, and its because it makes the map feel larger then it really is. There is one thing I don't understand, why do you have two traffic cones in front of a pallet?? It's not DANGEROUS! It's not that big of a deal though, I will just overlook that small blemish on your map(lol) and learn to deal with the beautiful map you guys have created.
    P.S. Consider my help, or creative influence in your next map. Oh yeah, and I like pie!
  13. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    There's actually a fusion coil behind the pallet. That's why.
    Tex likes this.
  14. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    Yay another letter! Hmm this one is really cool. I wonder if it's my favorite one... I like the map. I think it has nice shapes and a very nice design. I already downloaded this and I've played it, and I think it was awesome! 5/5 very good work!
  15. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    This map is amzing man, but the teleporter annoys me since once they get the flag they just teleport back
  16. Yekkou

    Yekkou Yellow, but with "kk"s
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    Me and my friends played on this map i do believe this is thee most insane slayer map i have ever played on. Usually i get bored of some foundry slayer maps and delete them for more room but this one is staying on. Kudos
  17. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    But... it's not a 2-Way teleporter... >.>
  18. De5troy999

    De5troy999 Ancient
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    You just keep drinking this don't you.
  19. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I still haven't managed to get game on this Tex, so this is just a forgethrough post for now, sorry dude.

    Certain things grabbed me when I first started to run around this map, and the little pillbox style cubby inside the main structure is a really nice example. Its genuinely thin enough to be a nice position to defend if your opponents are outside, but open enough from the back and placed well within the base so its far from campable.
    Every box seems geomerged into the ground as well, something that seems to be an increasing standard in really well forged maps, and the thought of having to do it on my own maps gives me a sinking feeling. Glad you guys took the time to though, and the use of geomerging on this map in general is great, I noticed so many little jumps that were possible as a result.

    Like all the project maps, Z has a real atmosphere to it, and you feel very dwarfed by the main structure, especially when outside. Inside it has that really tall, perfectly enclosed yet open feel that reminds me of bits of Troika.
    The main structure as a whole (the defender base) is great fun to run around and crawl all over. All entrances seem very well though out, and lines of sight inside the base are dead on, no corner is too easy to hide behind. I like the fact that you can crawl all over the main Z wall, and the variety of nice little entrances, especially those ledges and bridge entrances higher up. It does look like it will act as more of a dividing wall rather than the front of a base, and should make this map live up to its claims of good symmetrical gameplay.
    I'm glad you only put ways up on top at either end though, it really gives the top of the wall to both teams instead of just turning it into a haven for the defenders. But no ways up in the middle means it shouldn't be too influential as a position, something that would really ruin the map considering the wall's position.

    I like your use of ledges and jump points in general, but especially inside the structure, its so easy to move in an out of without having to touch the floor if you don't want to, and is a real pleasure to jump around. Touches like the doubled up, slightly offset fence walls just inside the main entrance (the ones with 2 plasma grenades on them) look good and extend the ledge round both walls, adding that little extra moving space which makes jumping to the opposite ledge that bit better.
    The use of the back corridor entrance, the one that gets into the base under the flag point, in front of the mongeese, is a good addition as well, it enables those long winded, tactical pushes around the edge of the map

    Then I saw the sentinel beam... I just hate them, I'm sorry. Can't wait to see how it works in game but you can guarantee that any member of the other team who picks it up will be assured of my violent attention.
    Can't wait to play this with full teams, Multi-Flag is gonna be the first thing I try, I really like the angled flag spawn for the defenders. But I like what I see, very visually polished and it fits well with the other project maps in theme, despite its asymmetry.
    #59 Pegasi, Jul 29, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2008
    Tex likes this.
  20. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
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    Thats Right I quated the MASSIVE post by Tex. LoL. When I re-read my post I used the spell checker and It gave me the rong word lol. But seriously guys, This is a Great map. Its has a really good layout and set-up. I STRONGLY recomend downloading it right now.

    Pegasi, You did it again. You made a page long post and thats why your loyal. Your pretty much the best poster on here.
    #60 Mr Pokephile, Jul 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008

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