Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Tex, Jul 25, 2008.

  1. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    *This was originated by kayaman132, but since he'll be leaving, I will take over this thread.

    Note: This is not a "ForgeHub" FAQ.
    This is a "Forge FAQ".


    To newer ForgeHub members:
    Post any and all questions you have about Forge.

    To Veteran ForgeHub Members or any one with answers:

    Post answers to any questions. Or post a frequently asked question and the answer.

    While in monitor form, press "start" and then select "CHANGE GAMETYPE".
    Then select the gametype. The round should end, and when the new round starts you'll find that in the 7th section of the forge pallet, there are the gametype specific items.

    To accomplish that you must have the shield door in your grasp, holding it in the desirable position and then save & end. When you come back the shield door will be in the desired placement.


    That's called "Geolocking", here is a video tutorial on how to do it. How to Geolock with Doors Consistently

    Go into Forge mode, change the gametype to Slayer, create a "respawn area", and set it to 'Cylindrical', at the desired circle size. Then use it as an interlocking guide.


    Stack 2 single boxes. 1 on it's side, and 1 normal.
    (The one on it's side is slightly shorter then the normal 1. Both of them stacked are slightly shorter then a vertical double box.)
    Then just do it the same way you would if it was horizontal.


    1. Spawn your box. Move it into place, and set up some markers so you know where it last was.
    2. Save/restart.
    3. Check the color of the box, if its not the right color tap it.
    4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 until your box is the correct color!
    5. Once you see the correct color, that box will not change again


    Unfortunately there is no known way to do this, it seems to just happen at random.

    The limit for Foundry is exactly 376 items, this may be different on other map.
    I will be testing this and editing this answer.

    Teleporters can only change your view along the X axis and not the Y axis.

    Bungie probably thought that to make window panel and doors fit snugly in window frames and doorways, they should slip in along the edges.

    Traffic cones randomly fall over because they also have a different bump map that is less stable than other object's, thus occassionally will "jiggle" a little bit during forge.

    Open boxes are hard to merge prcisely becasue they are open, there is no bump map in the entire open space, thus it will skew merging compared top solid boxes with different interior bump maps.

    Unfortunately there is no way to do this, much like juggernaut there is no way to make them the VIP spawn in one spot. This is because the VIP or juggernaut is chosen after the spawning phase.

    Push weapon holders in place and Save & End.


    As of this writing, there is no way to make infinite items.

    To prevent this, keep a hold of the box, and save&quit. This will stop the object from falling through the ground, and keep it in the position you want.

    Sounds like you've got all of your teleporters on the same channel. While some would utilize this function to spice up gameplay a little, if you're not trying to make it that way, it'll annoy the hell out of you. Here's how to fix it:

    Bring your cursor to highlight over a given teleporter and hit the X button to bring up its properties. The first option there is called "Channel." By default, all teleporters spawn at channel 0. Change this option to a different number--let's say 1. The teleporter will turn off, but that's only because it doesn't have anything to link to.

    Now go to the teleporter you want to link to the one you just adjusted. Highlight it the same way you did the other one (you don't have to be holding it to have it highlighted), and hit X to bring up the properties screen. Put it to the same channel as the previous channel, and you'll be good to go with those two. Adjust likewise (using different channels) for all the other teleporter pairs, and you're set.

    Channels for teleporters work kind of like walkie-talkies. If you have 3 walkies on channel 4, when you speak into one, both of the others will put out the sound of your voice. Unfortunately for Halo, when you go through a teleporter that has 2 designated receivers, it can't send you to both at the same time (as it would like) and so it is forced to randomly choose between one and the other. If you've got 10 teleporters on the same channel, it just creates pandemonium.

    Forge by yourself in Local. That is the best way I've found to prevent this.


    There are actually 32 total rounds in forge. Keep saving to prevent this from happening.

    All questions and answers will be copied into this post

    If you are looking for a tutorial on how to do something in forge,
    go here ....│ │
    #1 Tex, Jul 25, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008
  2. FattyFatFat Kid

    FattyFatFat Kid Ancient
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    I've been searching everywhere for the answer to this question (if there is one). How do you stop objects from skewing after you've lined them up perfectly after saving and quiting? I can't tell you how many times I've merged a line of double walls into a perfectly straight line across a new level only to come back the next day to find that they are somehow out of alignment. Grrrrr!

    Also, question #2: Is there a max number of rounds in a given forge session? I've had Forge "End Game" on me multiple times after clearly selecting "End round". It's usually after I've spent an hour or so interlocking a bunch of stuff while forgetting to save, and then poof! it's gone when I end the round! Again; Grrrrrr!
  3. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Forge by yourself in Local. That is the best way I've found to prevent this.
    Did this for the entire build of my current project and I have a two 2-story box walls that run the entire width of foundry that are dead straight and exactly parallel to each other.

    That happens at Random. Only real solution is to save often. Personally I save after every interlocking mission or geo-merge. Although after finding out that forging in Local makes it easier to line things up without them skewing I've also never had the dreaded End-game happen so it may only happen when on live whether you have someone in the session or not.
    I still recommend saving often.
    #3 Waylander, Jul 29, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2008
    Shad0w Viper likes this.
  4. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Thanks a lot way for answering in my absence...

    Except it ends game at exactly 32 rounds. It only seems random, because during each "game" it can very time-length wise...(Some merges/interlocks take more rounds, inevitably making it quicker...Where as some games, you get to run around without having to round over constantly.)
  5. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Is it possible to Budget Glitch a map during its creation?
  6. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    There is, though, there doesn't appear to be a guide in the archive...I know Nemi knows how to, and I'm pretty sure Shad0w has saved a map or two of ours by doing it. Lastly, I could have sworn Nemi made a guide on how to "re-budget glitch" a map...Could have sworn...

    Anyways, a guide on this would help tremendously if you made one.
  7. Teh PiKacHu

    Teh PiKacHu Ancient
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    Hi. I have a question. I like forging alot, but probably know nothing compared to everyone here. I learned how to merge objects about a month ago, and I have a problem. Every time I work on a map that is merged and I save it. I go to sleep and eat etc. etc. But when I go on the next day, I cant select some of my objects. Meaning I cant even get a green crosshair. Help?
  8. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Start a new round. The objects are probably set to spawn at start: no
    So waht you must do, if you're unable to grab the item in the first round of a forge game, start a new round. THis should solve your problem. If they arent appearing in the next round then set the run time minimum to the highest it can go.
    Shad0w Viper likes this.
  9. FattyFatFat Kid

    FattyFatFat Kid Ancient
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    Thanks for the quick reply, but I only forge on Local! I've found that there are very strange effects when I forge online, so I tend to unplug and forge completely internet free, but it still skews! The only thing I can think of is that I've got a lot of things saved (vids, maps, gametypes), I'm always riding on the game's 100 item limit. Am I somehow overloading the game that it can't quite keep track of the exact rotation of my pieces in a given map?

    Also, it doesn't seem related but every time I boot my 360 to forge and I sign in and try to select the map, the game has to load the Heroic Maps every time with a message that says "loading your saved games information". Is there any way to get the game to keep this information loaded?
  10. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I dont think that would effect it. Maybe you should try to redo your braces on an interlock, try to make them REALLY tight for a good interlock/geomerge.

    That happens to everyone, as far as I know. In the next Dashboard update, we will be able to 'save' a disk to your Hard Drive, so that that kind of thing won't happen anymore, but I think the new updates a month or two away. For now, we just have to live with it.
  11. FattyFatFat Kid

    FattyFatFat Kid Ancient
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    Oh believe me I have! I've spent hours trying to line up two banks of double boxes on one of my maps when i was first discovering this problem. Maybe my method of lining up is faulty, here's what I do:

    I'll spawn a double box and drop it without any rotation so it's at the default angle(confirmed by the grid on the floor). Then I'll spawn two double walls and jam them on either side of the double box (making sure that the walls are perfectly straight as well), and set the double box not to spawn on start, and then start a new round. Then I'll spawn a new double box and drop it between the two double walls and then force spawn the other double box. Then I'll delete the two double walls and voila! Two interlocked double boxes with no bump between them! HOWEVER as soon as I save/quit, and go back in, the boxes are now slightly skewed [​IMG] Whyyyy!?!?! This problem is extremely aggravating to the perfectionist inside me!
  12. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Hm. Thats actually exactly what I do except I line up the little lines on near the end to get the interlock exactly where I want it, but thats just a detail. Do you brace the top also, like I do?
  13. FattyFatFat Kid

    FattyFatFat Kid Ancient
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    No, I don't brace the top, but regardless, it would only make it lined up in that particular game right? As soon as I go back in, it's messed up again. I've had to just accept it on my last few maps.

    Also, slightly off topic; I've seen a few maps here that have objects embedded in the middle of Foundry where the pipes are running through the floor. How'd they do that? Every time I try, the box/wall completely freaks out as soon as they hit the pipes, despite how much I brace it with teleporters. Even the door method doesn't work for me.
  14. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I usually do the old method and the pipes arent generally a problem. Stack walls how high you want it down, then spawn a box at the top, delete the walls, spawn your object. Then touch your object, and dont let go, while going to save and quit. Works better than door method.
  15. FattyFatFat Kid

    FattyFatFat Kid Ancient
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    Do you brace the sides? I would imagine so because otherwise the box would squirt out one of the sides rather than sink into the floor. Maybe I've just got a bum 360! Course, it hasn't red ringed yet ::crosses fingers:: Anyway, thanks so much, guys, for taking the time to answer all my random questions and put up with my ranting!
  16. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Try using a fence box instead of walls. With Walls sometimes they don't stand perfectly vertical so that could be throwing it off.
  17. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Im trying to make a map on epitaph and I need to get rid of the shield doors. I know that I have to overload the map to get rid of them, but when I do it and then save it doesnt stay like that when I load the map back up. I have tried downloading overloaded maps from the net but they have all of the items right there in the middle of the map and when I try and move them it makes the map back to how it was originally.

    so what Im asking is if you could tell me how to overload a map and keep it like that. I will be overloading the map on the outside, so the items arnt in the way..
  18. FattyFatFat Kid

    FattyFatFat Kid Ancient
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    My problem isn't the initial lining up, it's keeping them lined up after I've saved and quit and then gone back into the game the next day. I can line up the boxes just fine, it's forge that's ruining my fun....Unless you're saying I should keep the bracing up through the save/quit? Cause normally, I'll use either the walls or fence boxes to line the boxes up initially but then I'll delete them before I save&quit. Should I not be doing that?
  19. pvilleplayer92

    pvilleplayer92 Ancient
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    Do you think that bungie should make forge packs specifically for foundry, just keep bringing new forge items to foundry?
    for example, working with foundry alo more like when you are like in the screen when setting a spawn, they should have it to where you can make a wall any size you want and any color, Or have like a cutting tool to cut how ever you want.
    With the new forge material they should make vent systems and many different types not just that many types of everything, and make little things like a computer, cameras, a Tv that hooks up to a camera so you can place it in a room and you can c what the camera see's.
    also idk coke cans paper, controllers, little things that would be cool to put into maps,
    One last thing i thing bungie should make it to where you have to light up your own rooms with lights, light bulbs, lamps , because there is lots of places on my maps i make i want to be dark and not lit up you should have the option.
    Forge packs, bungie stop focusing so much on maps, and work with foundry alot more and forge
  20. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    No that shouldn't make a difference.

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