i think its a pretty good picture. I got on my second account ( it was a temparay account) when i was playing lone wolves. here it is :happy: here the bungie link so people dont think i edited it
yeah i cant spell for my life........ i looked something up on the web that i wasnt expose to and didnt pay attention in my computors class a while ago....:lol:mg::embarassed:
Looks like the beginning of the level Halo. Very nice pic! I just feel something there is still missing though..
thanks i just took a picture on snoowbound from a random lone wolves game and i got this, now it has 750 dls ( my most i have ever gotten on a file) :happy::happy:
I love these pictures on Snowbound. I made a picture of the underside of that map with just the greenish effect given with explosions and it was a pretty good stand-alone picture. This one is no exception 8/10
thank you..i guess ill give the tutorial away for this screenshot if anyone cares, it was just a lucky grenade and at the right time, like when i grenade lights up the screen this was eithor right before or right after that.