*cough* spam! *cough* heres your sig. lol it was really hard to fit the text in because of the background colors.. what you think?
What is the website? Because if it is Planetrenders, I cannot has, since my PC messes up it wont let me see the renders from there...
k well if you need any just tell me and i can copy/paste the renders in a message and you can see them EDIT: oh and yeah it is planetrenders
ok.. il fix it. i just googled BMX bike EDIT: th kn1ght heres yours.. sorry i would have done black but my template for black wasnt working
Signature request: Sig type: Brush/Render Style: Abstract Colors: Coffee colors lol? Text: IcedFrappuccino Quote: Dazed and Confused Font: You choose Extras: Could you make the background of the pic an actual picture of a type of iced coffee?
i use photoshop. and who was it that wanted the templates? and iced frap you read the notice right? i will accept them but will probably not do them unless i have free time
Knight Kninja! I have come up with something you can add to your template: Animated Rain: Yes/No? Lightning, too: Yes/No? I make animated rain and lightning into sigs! Please do that for me?
umm so you would wanna do it for me? and anyways did anyone read the notice at all? i wont be making sigs after i finish these. when i come back il let you k?
ok just PM me them... i'll see if i can actually do it (i'd still like you to make mine if its possible cuz mine'll probly end up retarded)
BTW, Murdock, if you want to know how to make them .pngs (I think that is what he is asking), just click on the name when your saving it, delete .jpeg, .jpg, etc. and change it to .png. It works fine, thats what I do.
no i know how to make them pngs... its just he's sending me the blank template for the custom ranks and i'm saying that if its possible for him i'd still like him to make one, because mine'll probly end up really bad.