Metal Chief Solid by: jedi eli & fill the owner Hello again! This is my fourth map which was co-created by Fill The Owner and mainly made by me, jedi eli. This map took a very, very long time to make and I announced it almost 3 weeks ago and it is finally here. Description: This is an assymetrical map made on Foundry that is geomerged, interlocked, unbreakable, competitive and casual. It is made for Shottie Snipers and the two VIP gametypes found at the end of this post. It took over 10 hours to make and I will promise you that the gameplay is phenomenal. And now for some cool pics. Screenies!!! Base 1 By jedieli at 2008-07-27 Base 2 By jedieli at 2008-07-27 Truck and Base Area By jedieli at 2008-07-27 Crate Area By jedieli at 2008-07-27 Stage Area By jedieli at 2008-07-27 Cardboard Box Thingy You Can Hide In By jedieli at 2008-07-27 Backstage Area By jedieli at 2008-07-27 Top Area By jedieli at 2008-07-27 Action Pics OctoCamo By jedieli at 2008-07-27 Sniped! By jedieli at 2008-07-28 Beat Down! By jedieli at 2008-07-28 Vip Vs. Vip By jedieli at 2008-07-28 Sniped From Above By jedieli at 2008-07-28 Ninja-like Moves By jedieli at 2008-07-28 Third Person Shooter By jedieli at 2008-07-28 FAQ Why is it called Metal Chief Solid (or MCS)?: It is called that because it was originally based off of the Metal Gear Solid Series and the map's VIP gametypes have stealth-like combat. How do you hide in the cardboard box thingy?: It's simple: jump on the crate touching the wal, break the pallet, jump in the spot where you can crouch in, and wait ten seconds for the pallet to spawn and then the enemy will never now where you are. Why didn't some of the things you said in your blog post be in the final post of the map?: I simply ran out of money in the forge budget and those things would not fit in the map right. How do you get to The Top Area?: Go to crate area, head to the very back of the area, walk up the two flights of stairs, stand on the edge sticking out from the stairs, jump and land on the wall above the fence wall, and jump again to the walls above the window panels and you are up. Or you can do it like this: Go into the stage area, jump on the wire spool, jump on one of the barriers beside it, walk to the edge of the barrier facing the Top Part, and jump, it might not work the first time so, try the other way. Downloads: Download MCS here Download The Twin Chiefs here Download One Chief here Closing I hope you all have a good time playing and enjoying the map and it's gametypes! Thanks, Bye!
I love this map completely!!!! nice job guys. I love playing Shotty Snipes on this map. I guess you didn't want to put me and Sgt. Pepper owning you and your cousin in shotty snipes? Lol I'm just kiddin. Nice job 5/5
i love this map and i love the asthetics on this map especialy the stage this is a great map and perfect for shoty snipes
I love shotty Snipes with a passsion, I am definatly a sniper in any group I play with but for working 10 hours, dont you think you could've inter locked between boxes? Its no big deal though because this map is phenominal and looks like I could play for hours! 5/5
10 hours... Just kidding, it looks fun like you said but it does not look unique. But oh well I'll give it a try.
Looks like you finally made MCS! I saw you working on that while I was making sniper wolf. Looks fun, but very loosely based on MGS, with the exception of "octocamo." Great job!
this looks rushed and plain. Only 10 hours to make a map?? And also you said you geomerged but i couldnt find any in the pictures.
It was geomerged at the map boundries and this wall in the map. And exactly, how is this plain?!! I also said over ten hours, not just ten hours.
Okay guys, I took the liberty of downloading the map and taking pictures of the "missing" geomerging. After playing around on the map, I have to agree with stearnsy690, that it does in fact look rushed.
Good lord, you finally posted it. Still i get the premise of the map, and the V.I.P. plays great, but you know im not good at shotty snipers. I still dont like shotty snipers, and I will never like it. You know the map is good when the only complaint i can come up with is Shotty Snipers.... And stearnsky, you have no idea of how long this has been in production. Its been too long my friend, 5/5. Cheers! Desert Rat 852
It's pretty decent, I'll Dl and see how it plays,´your map includes pretty good Interlocking, though some parts seem somewhat, misplaced. 4.5.