So idk if anyone else had caught this yet in the new bungie update. If it's already been posted, I apologize, please remove this thread accordingly and please don't flame! While lukems was answering some user-submitted questions, this one caught my eye: X Foman123 x asks: The forums have been abuzz with requests for a new “Foundry”-style map that is larger, outdoors, and better suited for creating maps for large parties, are there any discussions about a larger, more open map for from-the-ground-up Forge creations? Last time someone asked a question about this there were entire legions of upset e-folks because we didn’t give them a straight answer. Thankfully, your question is so laser-focused on the “discussions” about a new Foundry-style map so I can give you an answer - Yes, there are discussions about Foundry-style maps. I mean it doesn't say that there will be one per se but it does say that they are discussing it, which brings hope for future forging.
Lets hope they make a large outdoor forging level that has flat ground with a large pallet of new and old items that have textures that match the map! I don't want human containers on a forunner map like Avalanch! If we get a new foundry/forge style or based map I hope the items match the level. lol Lets hope we at least get a new forge map.
I don't mind what the actual map looks like as long as it a bit like foundry i will be happy .. But i really would like new items in the maps ..
I just hope to god that if we do get it, we won't be screwed over like in foundry and have goofy hills outdoors...or even cranes lol
I want the Forge map to be Covenant Themed, but then all the surfaces would be rounded and stuff. And most outdoor maps will have uneven surfaces, although...... OMG A WALMART PARKING LOT WOULD PWN. Lawlz.
That would then deemFoundry useless to Forgers. Considering that the large size can then make small maps and large maps. Foundry would then become like all the rest of the maps, unusable compared to the new one.
if they made a map that u can forge like foundry but is the size of avalanche. with a map like that forgers could make the most complex mazes and greatest hotel maps ever
Some people might comeback to foundry sometimes just for a change of scenery. But i do agree foundry will be lost when this new one comes out.
The new foundry-like map (if it's ever made) will most likely be forerunner themed. They already have a good number of objects already made from avalanche, and the architecture is much more plausable than a covenant themed map. All the curves would make it very difficult to forge with. If we're lucky they'll just have a large hidden space on a new map that we can use, instead of having a dedicated space just for forge, that way everyone is happy.
I don't enjoy forging that much (yeah, I know, ironic), but I don't know if Forgers are too happy with round corners. Personally, I'd just like a box. A Plain 90 degrees box. They might actually do this if they get desperate for more G-Cash-$-BLING. Burnout Paradise had tons of Best Buy, and Wal-Mart, and Circuit City cars... Crazy idea, but if they ever get needy for money (which I don't think will happen for about 20 years, while they can still get money of our Halo 3 downloadables), maybe they'll do it! :lol: