I don't take you for granted.... yeah i just thought you'd make one sense we're buddies... not for rep. you're no rep *****...
I'd appreciate it if you could make a Solid Snake one, but if you don't have the time, don't bother. It's cool.
Oh, why thank you. I figured that you put all the ones you make on the front page. If you meant that you PMed that one to me, I never received it. Ahhh. Cool. Once again, thanks for your hard work.
See rep isn't neccesarry but if you promise it then you might want to hold up on it. Close friends will sometimes get smileys that they don't ask for. like Yavi didn't ask for his but he was greatful. that's really what i do this for
Fan Art!!! Because of my love and friendship and fandom for N1nja and his work, I've decided to make my own fan art. This is mystery gamer: Rocket Squirrel (same as my next one w/o the caption) Murdock Rocket Squirrel This is a tribute to N1nja and his hard work to please the masses.
Could you make me one? There aren't any outstanding traits about me, really, but you could us this for some ideas: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=gkvEaY7kYys
Could be my fault... I asked for one, did not promise rep. But I didn't rep him for it. I just feel he got a damn good amount from tdf (something like 50 I believe?) and more from the rest of the community... Thanks for your contribution...but don't get pissy about not getting some +rep...
No i'm not doing this for rep but the people who came into this thread because they knew me and wanted to see what the new thread i made was about. i have no problem with them. I don't even care about rep period i just would like the effort that i make to be appreciated. when i make one of these and send it to somebody and don't even get a little "wow thanx man" in return it really kills the urge to make more
Alright after thinking it over, i may have let rep go to my head and i am sorry to everyone for that. now on a different note i am thinking instead of doing this here i should open a smiley shop. so tell me people, what do you think?
i think if you don't care about rep, go to your user cp > edit options > then disable rep thats what i think
i could be your partner... jk mine weren't that good. i guess if you wanted to but i'd mostly weigh you down. i'm working on sigs a lot too right now.
well, its stops other people from seeing it, as well as you, but i think if you go to user cp, you will still see, but you can make the rep thing go away by pressing on the little arrow pointing upwards.