Puzzle Challenge Created by DimmestBread Download Puzzle Challenge(Map) Here Download Challenge(Gametype) Here First person to finish: almost999sk8 Second person to finish: That one addict Supported Gametypes: Challenge: Must use gametype or the map won't work. Map Description I've made puzzles for a while but i've always had stuff in them that has been used a lot before. With this puzzle, every room has something new that I don't think has been done before. There are 8 rooms but are very difficult to complete. My testers had to be told how to do it and even then they still couldn't get it right. The following screenshots may be in any order and one room is absent from the screenshots. The words above each screenshot is a response that a tester made and they are your best hints. _________________________________________________ I havn't seen this before. You would block the teleporter WTF That looks really complicated Ooh, a mongoose. I'm not just lost anymore. I am now confused as well. You would make me choose a teleporter when I'm already this far How the hell do I get up there. Hooray, I win(They never said that because they could never make it to the end, thats me. _________________________________________________ Thanks to all my testers. I know you probobly want to kill me now. Please leave a comment on anything I can improve on and have fun. Post back when you try it out so I can see who solves it and try to give me a video of you doing it.
i really love puzzle maps but the thing i dont really like about some is having to choose the correct telleporter so i would take that out and add more rooms to have to figure a way out of hope you make a version 2
i love puzzle maps and this is one of the best i have seen in a while i don't agree with the person that said you should get rid of the three way teles it makes it more fun and you get pissed of if you choose the wrong one lol nice map
Can you help me with the room when you go through the first tele with the barriers in the window panels please?
looks pretty good although the ending looks hard unless theres something we dont get to see in the picture
Theres a grav lift right behind where I am standing. The last room isnt to hard. Although, the grav lift spawns to fast. Try it without using two at the same time. Thats what was intended. I'll fix it for v2 And your welcome. Do you think that that was an interesting part that you havnt seen in many puzzle maps.
Ok I will try. Also, the ending parts grav lift ison a screwey respawn so its possible to grab two and use both to easily get up. try to do the last part with only one grav lift. that was my intention.
You jump through the window panel like normal (it is a bit harder though). Then You use a combination of crouching, jumping, beating down, and trying to run forward. Post back if you need additional help.
the only part i have trouble with is after the first tele. ios there a faster way to do it? i mean it keeps taking me like 5 minutes to move an inch. so if there is a faster way please help!