This is my first map post. So if there is anything with the way I posted it please tell me what to correct and i'll correct it. Map Title: Tower Of Power Map Used: Foundry Good ol' days of halo 2 tower of power remade. Download Map Download Gametype Additional Info: Yes I know I didn't Inter-Lock. The reason behind that is that I wanted to enter it into the Lazy Map Makers competition, But then i thought about it and didn't know if I could enter a King of the hill map. If I can and you think I have a chance let me know. Description: If you were a Halo 2 fan you will probably remember Tower of Power. Well I decided to do my own version or the tower used in halo 2. The gametype that goes with it is Team King. Primary weapon is shotgun(Halo 2 style). The Score Limit is 250. You can modify the gametype all you want. If you modify the map please give me credit also. Pictures: Base A: Base B: Upper Catwalk: Lower Catwalk: Front Entrance: View of Most of the Tower: The Death Field: Side Entrance: Top of the Tower:
WOW the death feild looks like fun and crazy wooh i also do like it but the final pic the fance wall is very sloppy unless it is ment to be like that
why can't i see all of the pictures though, i can see base B but i can't see the rest. I played that map before (I think) and it was very good. I wouldnt bother iterlocking though from what i I can tell it looks good already
I can see them all... Looks quite good, but like said before the fence wall looks a bit sloppy, is it supposed to be like that?
nice map. it is just a little sloppy but it is good for your first map. 4/5 for the idea of a good competitive map
everything looks a little sloppy, and the death field can easilly be avoided by going into the corner. but its ok for a first map i guess....and interlocking would make this map much much better
Looks pretty fun, is there any actual point to the deathfield other than hilarity? XD Either way it looks fun. I can't wait to chuck some grenades at poor fools that get stuck down there... looks pretty good, as has been said, some fo the alignment and interlocking could use a little work, but all in all not bad. 3.5/5
I've seen better TOP maps, but this is pretty good. Some of the forging isn't exactly neat, but most of it is. I like the tower, and the side bridge entrances, but the fusion coils really turn me off. When I see that, it tells me that you ran out of ideas so you just put that in. It slows down the gameplay, and makes laggy matches when you shoot them, and after about 30 seconds of playing, the fusion coils will have somehow roamed to every section of the map.
I didnt interlock because i was thinking about entering it in the lazy map makers contest. I know it may be unbelievable but it doesnt lag. Well not for me anyway. Yes it was meant that way so you cant cheat to get to the top. Thanks for the feedback.