This song is amazing. Andrea Bocelli shows the world how it's done.
it is a very awesome song. It's sad that he's always been blind. I don't understand our society. We can preform open heart surgery but we can't fix a blind man. F them.
lol. Did you really just blame society for not being able to fix a blind man? I'm sure we'd all like to heal the blind but we just don't have the technology or knowledge of how to do that, I'm sure it would be a lot more complicated than open-heart surgery, and I'm not even sure if it would be possible. He is a very good singer though.
wow..its not off of blades of glory, they just used it lol, but yeah this guys voice is beautiful, for reals. and i preeeetty sure they do have ways to fix blindness, but its verrrrry expensive i would imagine. but then again im not sure
you can reverse a slowly blinding person, born with sight, but whos slowly losing, but it does cost a fortune. however, repairing in absolute blindness, isnt surgically possible. OK, know on to his voice, very beautiful, and i think it fit the pitch of the song very well. wish i knew what he was saying though. however i thought the ending was a bit scratchy, but hes still fantastic.