TRACTION "Keep Moving & Don't Lose Traction!" <DOWNLOAD TRACTION> <DOWNLOAD CONQUEST V3 GAMETYPE> Created & Forger - Vicious Vice Creative Consultant & Co-Forger - G043RCONQUEST ONLY!!! Inspiration: This map is inspired by two Conquest map. The Aesthetics are from Faction (Created By Wakko45 and Furious D 18) & The Level Design is a mix of The Cellars (Created by AZN FTW, TheYavimayan, Titmar, Rusty Eagle, and Asper) and my own creation. I wanted to make a conquest map that resembles my favorite conquests map and I believe I've done well. Forgehub Links: Faction The Cellars Description: For those who are not familiar with the CONQUEST gametype i will give a brief explanation. Territory is a very straightforward game of territory any team can capture a territory or take it back. The map is completely symmetrical and has only 1 long connecting hallway. This hallways is the only means to enter your opponents territory and is where most of the action takes place. It a tug-o-war basically. There are also teleporters in each base that take u to a box/bunker on your opponents side. The box is in a very strategic point and can really help push back your opponent and capture extra territories. If you haven't played CONQUEST before, your missing out. Pictures: Bottom Base Floor - Spawn Zone 2nd Floor - Weapons Locker The teleporter take you to the box/bunker 2nd Floor - Weapons Locker (2nd Angle) Hallway - Front Base Defensive Zone - Side Base Danger Zone - Bottleneck Danger Zone - Bottleneck (2nd Angle) The Box - Support Area The Main Hallway - Combat Zone The Main Hallway - Combat Zone Information: Territories x 7 Battle Rifles x 6 (3 each side) 1 clip 45 seconds Bruteshot x 2 (1 each side) 2 clips 30 seconds Sniper Rifle x 2 (1 each side) 2 clips 30 seconds Spikers x 4 (2 each side) 2 clips 30 seconds Energy Rifles x 4 (2 each side) 30 seconds SMGs x 4 (2 each side) 2 clips 30 seconds Fragmentation Grenades x 4 (2 each side) 30 seconds Spike Grenades x 8 (4 each side) 30 seconds Custom Power Up x 2 (1 each side) 60 seconds <DOWNLOAD TRACTION> <DOWNLOAD CONQUEST V3 GAMETYPE>
I love a good conquest game, and a good conquest game only occurs on a good conquest map. im glad you made one vicious, the conquest lovers were in need of a new map and this is it. I can't say much about the map now, but it looks very neat and aesthetically pleasing. i love the layout from what i can tell. i see the shield door/fence part from the cellars... anyway, i'll have to DL the map and play it. I'll get back to you then.
I remember earlier playing this with you. Now the map is truly spectacular for Competitive Gameplay. Does it only work for Conquest or for other gametypes. Anyway I must say I hope to see a v2 with maybe a few more aesthetics and maybe a few less weapons. Every time you are in the main hallway maybe some more cover. Good Luck in the future with other maps.
Hey Vice, I'm happy to see that you posted it. I had lot's of fun playing this and it was a very refreshing take on conquest. I liked the whole feel to it that you used large spaces and the funneled them down to chokepoints. Also the teh teleporter boxes were a huge hit on the team I was playing with. I like the placement on most of the weapons except for the sniper rifle. All of the weapons were placed so that as you were running along you could see them and pick them up on your way to the next territory. The sniper rifle was placed out of the way. That's the only thing I didn't like, other than that I qite enjoyed it.
Ooooh. Conquest. Good idea using the back alleys and the rest of Foundry for it. Not sure if anyone has done that yet. On a personal note, I never really liked shield door fence walls. But other than that this looks like another great addition to the conquest archives.
Play it before you speculate about it. I'm sure Vice would appreciate your opinion once you've played it.
This map was fascinating when we were playing it on TGIF. It was so fun, and we were pwning them too! Haha. Anyways, I love this map and I love a good old fashion Conquest game. We played Faction and I loved this more. Great job dude, you may be the conquest master in my preferences.
I just meant I never liked the look of them. I do agree however that they play very well being able to see but not shoot and all. Its quite tactical in my opinion.
oh ok, never mind i was about to post something really retarded lol. I see how this works now. I'll dl it to see what it feels like walking through. brb
This looks like a very good conquest map. It looks like its well made and I love how you used foundry's back rooms. I can see good interlocking and geomerging and the map has its own fell to it. Nice job!
I originally had the sniper in the main defensive base where the spikers currently are and it was just too many good weapons in a certain area. I moved it out of the way near the plasma rifles to incourage people to get other weapons. The Sniper Rifles is probably the best weapon on the map closely followed by the bruteshot and Battle Rifle. The sniper being out of the way i felt was the best option to balance the two main weapon areas. p.s. i also put it there so i can grab it faster than anyone else who may not know the map...
Ahhhh excellent forging. I can see you must have spent a lot of time making everything look perfect (as you always do). Can't wait to try this one out.
looks like very good interlocking, and i like the fence wall shield doors, and, ARE THOSE STAIRCASES ON THE CIELING? OM IG OSH! nice work. looks really good for CTF, ill give it a download
Zomg I remember playing this map... I loved it! =D I kept getting the custom power up and pwning with it. xD!! But yeah, this is a very nice conquest map. I think it's the best out of them all. 10/10 for you Vicious Vice. Oh, wait a second... was I in the testing game of this map? >.>?
Ive been thinking about it and I am starting to like fence walls with shield doors. I even like the look of them now. Plus the functionality, it makes them an innovative yet functional feature especially when integrated into a conquest map.
You don't want to know how much of an issue he made out of those fence walls...I agree They really open map up and make it feel like your doing something some where..not in cave some where... as well I would suggest you play this before you comment...