This map is pretty basic its Foundry but its half way in the ground!!! Has thers only about 2 things that are crooked so it should be fine but anyways have fun if you download its on my fileshare...... : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Welcome to ForgeHub! A few things wrong with the post, look HERE DO NOT post a link to your file share Othwerwise this is kinda neat...
Now that... is a lot of geo merging. I might have put this under aesthetics, but nonetheless its still good.
Yeah post directly to the item (just go to your fileshare, click the title you want, and copy the address). Also more pictures would be nice. Its kinda comical... 8/10. nice to see advanced techniques being used.
Looks awesome. sorta pointless but good job. That must have been alot of work... all that merging. from what I can see you left the double box open un-merged (the one by grav lift spawn) i'm guessing thats becuase you want ppl to still have that tunnel. I would suggest flipping it upside down and then merging it, that way ppl could still run through
that is really good! must of taken a while to make since all the geomerging! 4/5 for a dumb idea (no offense)
I think if he geomerges that double box into the ground then it will defeat the purpose of the grav lift. But I definitely think this map was a great idea. It was surely a first here at forgehub. Im sure you will make quite the name for yourself here at forgehub with maps like this.
haha ya know you can make all of those movable objects in the ground too?? =O haha you should try it that would be really cool
Wow. Just, wow. I can't wait to download this one. It reminds me of the map that some guy made where everything from Foundry was on the ceiling.
wow this is awesome, it must have taken forever i hate geomerging, but its worth it, it makes your map looks good, and clearly you have some skill with it, i cant wait for your slayer maps.
Awesome, my lil bro tried to do this one time, and... well id like to say the f word but its banned, basically he couldnt do it. You however, have done it, this is a very good map which also looks like it could be good for gameplay, ill give it a dl and try it out Secret Message: This map could get featured, i said it like this because i don't want to get flamed
Wow this is simply amazing. I always thought about doing something like this. But simply, I'm very terrible at forging. I have many ideas, but I simply don't have enough time or patience to make the map. Plus I can't do all of those simply amazing techniques that you all do so greatly. Congrats sir. I'm very serious about this, this needs to be featured. It looks like a lot of fun with a large party. BR's are a major killer in the MINI Foundry. ;D
lol i love maps that **** with the one upside down, but is it playabl? anywys nice map it brought olz =P
Its a good map, I mean it very difficult to merge objects perfect into the ground.. But... you CAN NOT DOUBLE POST in 2 or more Forums... might wanna fix before you get some Infractions