You're getting all pissy over this? Man, you'd hate the ORLY/IM IN UR/OMNOM image thread. Additionally, couldn't I argue that others are using George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Paris Hilton as 'canvases for blasphemy'?
Well, I just dont appreciate when people doing something discriminating and think its funny. But I dont want any enemies so truce?
This is ridiculous, if you want to argue, argue over a PM. Also, yes it was blasphemy Nemi, and yes, it was ridiculous Platinum, everything k now?
I'm not "sticking up" for anyone. Just saying I'm not offended by it. I can see where you're coming from, though
Why so serious? Obviously I don't give a crap about this whole ordeal. I just thought it was funny enough to reply to him.
Wow, gone for a few hours to see the Dark Knight again and there's been an enormous debate on nemi's Jesus one. I will update the leaderboard and give out due rep as soon as this posted. *Updated* That jesus one was crued. But blasphemous? I dont really think so. I'm greek orthodox and it doesnt offend me at all. I'm sort of greek orthodox, its what it says when I'm in hospital, I'm not anti-religion but it is something I almost never concern myself with. But you worry too much if that picture deeply offends you. And come on, its the internet, expect to see things you'll disagree with.
Wow Nemi, you really need to get a life. Maybe you could go see your family for once. Everyone knows you have nothing to do but go on forgehub and try to act cool.
wow kid, shut up. and getalife. nemi is cooler than you. and i dont even think you should've gone off for the stupid jesus thing. get over it. im not catholic or christian or anything but my whole family is. and BIG DEAL its just a drawing. its not like its a painted picture. so get a life bub.
I Have thou one submission. I myself do not listen to her music or anything, this is just an idea that popped into my head. It's not-ith that great but here thy be it-ith: If you can't-ith recognize who thalt is then let me tell you it is-ith Jessica Simpson. And if you art thou wonder why it says "Why so Irrisistible?" well, she made-ith a song called Irrisistible found Here.
That doesn't even come close to a bannable offense..... or even infraction worthy for that matter..... This however, will.....