Well I finally found someone with recon to help me with the armor fusions If you want to see more go HERE DOWNLOAD LINK
That's pretty cool actually. The fusion looks pretty good and the composure of the shot is quite nice, the way it focuses on the guy without quite centering him. The fusion isn't perfect though, which can be seen from the nearest shoulder. This is hardly a big deal, but the horns look a little far back on the helmet as a result. I like it though, nice choice of armours which look pretty fluid when fused, the horns fit nicely into the contours of the recon helmet.
That looks really cool. The mixture of recon and hayabusa is really neat. Imagine this actually being an armor choice. Win.
I did this using my armor fusion map. I have amny more pics like this. I posted the map on the maps thread. Also if you want a quick link to the other pics, maps, and ect just go HERE (not trying to advertise)
I'd assume by having a guy with recon stand still while a hayabusa dies near him. Anyway, it looks sick.
i saw your map..i havent DL' but how did you get the two turrets on eachotehr? and this Screenshot is epic for no photoshop
Wow that simply is the coolest armor ever better than original recon I want to try this with an elite
Wow that looks great! If this was made into a real armour everyone would try and get it and use it .. Seeing as its the two most popular helmets combined =] Nice pic!
Wow that looks good- how did you get two people to stand inside each other or did you edit it or what?
used a thing I call Armor Fusion. Its where you have 2 turrets inside eachother and get 2 people inside of them. I posted the map on here some where
this reminds my of a fusion of the elite combat helmet with teh assault on floodgate i keep on seeing 4/5