The Lazy Mapmaker's Contest #2

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Tex, Jul 27, 2008.

  1. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    The Lazy Mapmaker's Contest #2!


    Before anyone reads anything. I would like to show you all the overall winner of the last LMC (Lazy Mapmaker's Contest). Mallet's "Yellow" was simply amazing, and should be an inspiration to everyone. So without further ado, here are some pictures of the map.





    If you missed the link to download to see for yourself:

    Here it is.

    Rules of Contest:

    • Absolutely No Interlocking (Besides auto-locking doors/windowpanels)
    • Absolutely No Geo-Glitching (Interlocking objects with the map)
    • Absolutely No Infinite-Money-Glitch
    • You are required to use Foundry (sorry if you feel otherwise)
    • Entry must be submitted by August 20th.
    • Only allowed to post one map, so choose wisely
    • Floating Objects IS allowed
    • Applications must be put on the Submission Thread people...
    • Must complete application for contest properly.
    • Map MUST be competitive style (sorry, but it kinda slims down the judging)
    These rules are non-negotiable.

    IF for some reason, you cross these rules, you will be disqualified, sorry to be so strict.
    *The point just above, was made at 7:54 AM June 26th Central Time, USA.

    This contest is to see if we can create something without the use of advanced forging techniques...

    This contest is open to all applicants, the applications must be filled in the following format, and posted at the following thread: Submission Thread

    Application Format:


    User Name(s): Example text
    Map Name: (Name must link to map)
    Did you read and follow instructions: yes/no
    Do you prefer using advanced forge techniques: yes/no & explanation.
    *For help on getting your maps title posted correctly see the bottom of the page.
    *Note the application must be filled out in this thread

    Also if you are in need of a Non-Money-Glitched Canvas on Foundry:

    Here you are =]

    Much thanks goes to Playerhata27 for creating a canvas real quick, since it's so hard to find one since the creation of money glitch xD

    Who will be judging?

    Considering the last LMC had a set list of judges, and only about half or 2/3's actually participated, I won't be compiling any list this time. I will simply be having those that are close to me help in the judging process. I know I can trust & respect their judgment.

    Who are the victors?

    Well there are four separate winners, under which is the prize that they will receive:

    The most playable map.


    The most aesthetically pleasing map.


    The most creative map.


    The best map overall.


    To view the winners of the last LMC:

    Click this link

    How do I get a map posted properly on the submission thread?

    The answer to that would be:

    1) Save map
    2) Put map on fileshare
    3) Go to
    4) Go to your halo 3 page
    5) Go to your fileshare in said page
    6) Click your map, copy the link of the map (at top of page)
    7) Go to this thread: Here!
    8) Then enter your map, in the following format:

    User Name(s): Example text
    Map Name: (Name must link to map)
    Did you read and follow instructions: yes/no
    Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: yes/no & explanation.

    9) When you post your map on the "Map Name" section, type in [noparse]Map name here[/noparse]

    Note from the creator of The LMC:

    I would just like to say that the last LMC had a few maps in there that were taking the term Lazy Mapmaker's a bit too literally. The other judges and I would like to see some serious competition this time around. I don't want to hand the bragging rights over to one person again.

    I think that sums that up...

    Thanks everyone for competing, and forge well =]

    Direct quote from Mallet, cmon now guys, don't let it so easy!
    #1 Tex, Jul 27, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2008
    MattDGiant and Shad0w Viper like this.
  2. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Tex thank you so much for makign this once again!This has to be the funnest thign I have ever done in Forge.I can't wait to start working on a map and this time I won't interlock.
    Shedo likes this.
  3. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    not you too Tex...WHHHHHYYYY
    its "ado" not "adieu" "much ado about nothing"

    hmmmm lazy mapmakers...i might actually do something for this
    Shedo likes this.
  4. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Yes, I liked your map, if only you didn't attempt to cheat =P

    You're so silly Sarge...ado...pfft...

    I'd like to watch you fail miserably, so please, do enter.

    *awaits sarge's epic win map*

    @ mastar:

    hahaahha, that's right, delete your post of inaccuracy. = P
  5. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I might do a map. Or if I can judge the maps, tell me.
    Shedo and Felipe dos like this.
  6. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    Damn...Sarge was right about ado vs adieu...

  7. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Think I'll give it a shot this time around.
  8. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    Of course I and your doubting...
  9. redearth

    redearth Ancient
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    I'm gonna enter and take it seriously this time. Last time I was just experimenting with asymetrical that changes to a symetrical map depending on gamtype. I plan to do the same thing this time, but only spawns change, not the geometry. Nice.
  10. DracoStraybyrn

    DracoStraybyrn Ancient
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    Yeah except it's too late.

    Maybe next time I can enter too and not lose to Mall-

    Ah screw it, who am I kidding? Lol.
  11. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    I gotta pwn you all again huh? Man, you guys are so demanding.
  12. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I'm adding that as motivation to the front page.
  13. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    i think it would be kinda cool if you made some trophy/medal pics for the winners so they can put them in with their sigs.
  14. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    My map was interlocked? Must of been the Save and quit stuff. :(
  15. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Tex, would it be okay if I made a map specifically for team snipers? I don't know if thats competitive or not.
  16. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Hm, I have a kenundrum.
    If I make a map, I cant help judge.
    I will see, if my map fails I'll throw it out.

    Hopefully people dont take the name too literally this time.
  17. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    conundrum pfft, and it will fail Linu, it will...TREMENDOUSLY...almost as much as tex, but not quite, because that would be enough reason to kill yourself, but I doubt itll be that bad
  18. AbsoluteXero

    AbsoluteXero Ancient
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    ok does anyone now how to maps on forge hub. and im kinda of a lazy forger but really good at it,lol
  19. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I'm not the greatest sig maker, but if someone like MALLET made one, maybe Reynbow, I don't know, LockdownN perhaps? Someone who makes good sigs, pl0x make one

    Good idea phil, but I can't do it =[

    Maybe, but you should have checked it before release.


    Sure, there were maps that had some really weird gametype, but were still competitive.

    Just throw it out, you don't need to enter.


    Gahh...Sarge...the benevolent asshole...(That's a kind-hearted asshole Sarge...)If only you learned the spirit of Christmas...Maybe then you could be happy in this world...

    I am guessing you meant "Does anyone know how to put maps on forgehub."

    If so, there is a guide on how to do it in the original post.
  20. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
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    I'm laughing like .... uhmnn, er... can't fin the term though nice idea nice break from geo-glitching and interlocking.

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